
brace n.1.支柱,支持物,撐柱;【機械工程】撐臂,拉條;曲柄...

brace game

She had braces and glasses and this crazy hair . . 她帶牙套眼鏡還有那恐怖的頭發. .

Let ' s brace ( ourselves ) up for the new task 讓我們振作起精神去做這項新的工作吧。

You need a serious and bracing reality check 你需要嚴肅認真的真正的去查看一下

But you must enclose them in braces 沒有特殊含義,但必須將它們放在大括號內。

Or somebody in a walker , or with a brace on their ieg 或者走路沒有注意的人。

Let me show you a little trick . brace yourself 我來告訴你一點小技巧振作一下

Avoid using embedded braces in a keyword value 在關鍵字值中應避免使用嵌入括號。

Within the braces , you can include any formula 在大括號內,可以包含任何公式。

Just before the brace , add the following code 。在大括號的前面添加下列代碼。

To make code enclosed in braces collapsible 將括在大括號內的代碼設置為可折疊的

I will be getting some leg braces in about two weeks 最近我回去買一對腿部支架。

Now when i give a woman a simple tonic where a good bracing set of exercises would do just as well, i collect a fantastic fee and am a success . 現在我給一個女人一劑簡單的補藥,其實她好好地做一套振作精神的體操也一樣地有用,我敲一筆竹杠卻大為得法。

The line started to go out again and david shut his eyes a moment, braced his bare feet against the wood, hung back against the rod, and rested . 釣絲又拉長了。戴維叉開雙腿,光腳丫死死踩住木質甲板,他合上雙眼,頂著魚竿,歇了一會兒。

While one aide stood behind to assist him with english, the other two braced themselves against the wall, and hambleton realized they were bodyguards . 一個隨從站在身后幫助他說英語。另外兩個靠墻站著,漢布爾頓明白,他們是隨身警衛。

Irrigating devices help to flush out corners under braces and bridgework, but they're not effective substitutes for brushing and other physical means . 沖洗器有助于沖洗支架和橋托下的角落,但它們不能有效地代替刷牙和其他物理方法。

The by bent his back, pulled back against his braced feet, and the rod, instead of staying solid, lifted slowly . 孩子立刻在叉開的兩只腳上用力,拱起背,抓緊釣竿就提,釣竿竟然不再紋絲不動而是慢慢地,慢慢地,起來了。

Braces are used for the column matrices to distinguish them from rectangular matrices usually put in square brackets . 大括號用于列矩陣,以便使列矩陣與矩形矩陣區分開,矩形矩陣通常采用方括號。

She had been a fifteen-year-old girl with braces on her teeth, fiercely shy and overweight, a lonely rebel . 她還是個十五歲的女孩子,牙齒上戴著牙套,非常害羞,體胖,是個孤獨的叛逆者。

He braced up his soul, and said to himself that with god's help he would be that earthly keeper of her . 他振作起精神來,對他自己說,只要上帝幫助,他愿意做她人世間的保護人。