
boyish adj.少年的,(男)孩子氣的;幼稚的。adv.-ly ...

Candy lo stars as lam mei chu , the owner of a small “ herbal tea “ shop who has taken on a tom - boyish character ever since her parents passed away a lon . . 一口茶,兩個愛“涼茶鋪少東尾珠十二歲時父母與世長辭,靠老臣子財叔養育成人,養成了硬.

The president said with almost boyish gratification , “ oh , a politician has to borrow the virtues of the elephant , pug . 總統帶著有點孩子氣的得意神氣說: “啊,帕格,一個搞政治的就得學習大象的美德。 ”

“ i ll have you arrested for this , “ he snarled , tears of boyish indignation running down his flushed cheeks “我會叫人把你們抓起來的, ”那人牙咧嘴地說,通紅的面頰上眼淚婆娑,像滿肚子委屈的孩子。

The president said with almost boyish gratification, “oh, a politician has to borrow the virtues of the elephant, pug. “ 總統帶著有點孩子氣的得意神氣說:“啊,帕格,一個搞政治的就得學習大象的美德。”


Disappointed of its real womanhood , it had not succeeded in becoming boyish , and unsubstantial , and transparent ; instead it had gone opaque 在完成一個真正的女性上,這身體是挫敗了,它沒有成就一個童男似的透明無理的身體反之,它顯得暗晦不清了。

Candy lo stars as lam mei chu , the owner of a small “ herbal tea “ shop who has taken on a tom - boyish character ever since her parents passed away a lon . . 一口茶,兩個愛“涼茶鋪少東尾珠十二歲時父母與世長辭,靠老臣子財叔養育成人,養成了硬.

As is the case with many child stars , as culkin matured and lost his cute boyish looks , audiences became less and less attracted to him 正如許多童星的境遇一樣,卡爾金長大成人并不再擁有那張可愛的娃娃臉,而他的觀眾緣也隨之每況愈下。

Observed in her woman ' s body , she will no longer be the luminous adolescent girl who displays that boyish body so envied by aphrodite 以女性的身體被觀察到,她不再是閃閃發亮的青春玉女,展現她男孩般的身體,那是愛神阿芙洛特所?羨的。

Chandler : ( chewing gum ) ah , let ' s see . what next ? blow a bubble . a bubble ' s good . it ' s got a … boyish charm , it ' s impish . here we go (嚼口香糖)啊,讓我看看,接下來要做什么?吹泡泡。吹泡泡很好,顯得…很頑皮,也很迷人。來吧。

The handsome , boyish adjutant with the long curls heaved a deep sigh , and still holding his hand to his hat , galloped back to the slaughter 那個長發秀美的少年副官,沒把手從帽檐上放下來,深深地嘆了口氣,又跑回殺人的屠場去了。

Though 27 , leo s boyish looks allow him to apply his learned experience and charm to younger roles that many of his competitors cannot handle 一張稚嫩的臉龐下,隱約可見令人著迷的性情。萊昂納多成了新一代偶像的代言人。

He may still win a championship or two , but the boyish hero image has been replaced by that of a callous gun for hire 他仍可以奪得一個或兩個總冠軍,但是他孩子氣般英雄的形象已經被無情的得分欲望所產生的形象替代了。

Petite yet boyish - looking , she confessed to developing a love for singapore food and indian clothes during her stay 嬌小但看起來像男孩子的她,待在這兒的期間,已經明顯的發展出對新加坡食物和印度服飾的喜好。

It was the officer , walking backwards with a pale , boyish face . he held his sword downwards and kept looking uneasily round 這是一個面色蒼白的年輕軍官,他提著佩刀,一邊往后退,一邊不安地向四處張望。

The president said with almost boyish gratification , “ oh , a politician has to borrow the virtues of the elephant , pug . 總統帶著有點孩子氣的得意神氣說: “啊,帕格,一個搞政治的就得學習大象的美德。 ”

With his boyish good looks and cool determination on the course , weir has become an idol to thousands of young canadians 帥氣的娃娃臉與球場上沉著冷靜的作風使韋爾成為數以千計的加拿大青少年的偶像。

Nicked named chun chun , li won fans ' hearts in the 2005 contest for her boyish style and unconventional personality 李宇春,大家昵稱其為“春春” ,在2005年憑其男孩子氣的風格和個性贏得了歌迷的心。

“ i ll have you arrested for this , “ he snarled , tears of boyish indignation running down his flushed cheeks “我會叫人把你們抓起來的, ”那人牙咧嘴地說,通紅的面頰上眼淚婆娑,像滿肚子委屈的孩子。

My favorite movie star steams up the screen with his boyish charm - not to mention his killer dimples 我最喜歡的電影明星以他那男孩子般迷人的魅力使得整個銀幕熱氣騰騰,更別提他那迷人的笑窩。