
bouncing adj.1.跳躍的。2.(人)強壯的,生氣勃勃的,精神飽...

I bounced back enough to say, “why didn't you tell us the first day that these cables were no good? “ 我鼓足了勇氣反駁說,“為什么你們不早告訴我們這些線路裝置得不好?”

“ bounce “ indicates repeated movement up and down , often while jumping on a springy surface . “bounce”指反復的上下運動,常指接觸面有彈性。


I bounced back enough to say, “why didn't you tell us the first day that these cables were no good? “ 我鼓足了勇氣反駁說,“為什么你們不早告訴我們這些線路裝置得不好?”

“ bounce “ indicates repeated movement up and down , often while jumping on a springy surface . “bounce”指反復的上下運動,常指接觸面有彈性。