
boondoggle n.〔美俚〕1.(童子軍的)皮繩;(皮或柳條制的)手工品...


And if there were any doubt this was a boondoggle , it ought to be resolved by the fact that the city also has thrown in tax breaks that will amount to millions of dollars of savings for the times 若有人說這是小事一樁,那就應該讓這一事實來說話:紐約市已經給予紐約時報很大的稅收照顧,僅此可以為其省下幾百萬美元。

Others admit that newfoundland has a history of financial mismanagement and spectacular boondoggles 其他人承認紐芬蘭曾經有過一段金融管理失誤和效率低下、主次不分的歷史。

. . . boondoggle of his , that model airplane he ' s building . . 手工玩具. . .他正在建造中的模型飛機

Boondoggle of his , that model airplane he ' s building 手工玩具.他正在建造中的模型飛機

Our investment in water softeners was a boondoggle 我們在水軟化器上的投資打了水漂。

It shows that tunipah is a kind of expensive boondoggles . 這說明圖尼帕是個勞民傷財的玩意兒。