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book debt 賬面負債,賒購金額。

The bank shall have a first and paramount lien on all securities , deposited property and other deeds , documents and property including security boxes and their contents other than those which are book debts or otherwise constitute a security over which such a lien would require registration under the companies ordinance now or at any time hereafter standing to the credit of the custodian accounts or in the possession , or under the control , of the bank or any employee or agent of the bank for the account of the customer the “ secured assets “ whether by way of security , safe - keeping or otherwise as security for payment to the bank of the liabilities 對于客戶在現時已存入或此后任何時間存入保管賬戶,或由本行或其雇員或代理人代客戶以抵押保管或其他方式控制或持有,以作為向本行支付債務之抵押保證之所有證券存放財產及其他契據文件及財產包括保險箱及其所載之物件,但屬于賬面債項或根據公司條例規定應注冊以取得留置權之財產則除外以下統稱為有擔保資產,本行將有最優先及最高權力之留置權。

book end

The bank shall have a first and paramount lien on all securities , deposited property and other deeds , documents and property including security boxes and their contents other than those which are book debts or otherwise constitute a security over which such a lien would require registration under the companies ordinance now or at any time hereafter standing to the credit of the custodian accounts or in the possession , or under the control , of the bank or any employee or agent of the bank for the account of the customer the “ secured assets “ whether by way of security , safe - keeping or otherwise as security for payment to the bank of the liabilities 對于客戶在現時已存入或此后任何時間存入保管賬戶,或由本行或其雇員或代理人代客戶以抵押保管或其他方式控制或持有,以作為向本行支付債務之抵押保證之所有證券存放財產及其他契據文件及財產包括保險箱及其所載之物件,但屬于賬面債項或根據公司條例規定應注冊以取得留置權之財產則除外以下統稱為有擔保資產,本行將有最優先及最高權力之留置權。

Register of assignment of book debt 帳面債項轉讓登記冊