
book n.1.書,書籍;著作; 〔the B-〕 基督教《圣經...

book account

This book has a preface written by the author ... 這本書有作者的自序。

One shouldn't judge a book by its cover . 不應憑封面來判斷一本書。

This book has been withdrawn from circulation . 此書業已停止發行。

A few books have been lost from the library . 圖書館丟失了幾本書。

I've finished the second draft of my book . 我的書已完成了第二稿。

Take the book which is lying on the table . 把桌子上的那本書拿走。

The books are new ; take care of them . 這些書是新的,對它們當心保存。

He was sent to prison for cooking the books . 他因竄改帳目而入獄。

I have got two books on order at the bookshop . 我在書店訂購了兩本書。

The jews were yet to develop their book . 猶太人還在編寫他們的書。

His sermons were delivered without book . 他的講道文從不引經據典。

This book is about chemicals and plants . 本書所寫的是化學藥劑和植物。

The petrified tree was a book of nature . 樹木化石是大自然的歷史記錄。

The conclusion of the book is somewhat frenetic . 本書的結論近于瘋狂。

He has developed an interest in reading book . 他產生了對讀書的愛好。

Our reference book proved to be insufficient . 我們的參考書顯得不夠。

The leaves of the book were yellowing with age . 書葉因年久而發黃。

The medical book seemed more promising . 看來這本醫學書更有用一些。

Zanes reads the book and cries magnificent . 贊思讀了書稿拍案叫絕。