
boodle n.1.〔美俚〕大筆現款〔尤指政治上的賄賂〕。2.不法利...


Although unusual in the dublin area , he knew that it was not by any means unknown for desperadoes who had next to nothing to live on to be about waylaying and generally terrorising peaceable pedestrians by placing a pistol at their head in some secluded spot outside the city proper , famished loiterers of the thames embankment category they might be hanging about there or simply marauders ready to decamp with whatever boodle they could in one fell swoop at a moments notice , your money or your life , leaving you there to point a moral , gagged and garotted 盡管這在都柏林區是罕見的,然而還會有缺衣少食的亡命之徒埋伏在荒郊僻野處,把手槍頂在安分守已的路人頭部加以威脅。他們可能像泰晤士河堤岸上那些饑餓的窮流浪漢似的到處蕩來蕩去,對你進行突然襲擊,逼你交出錢來,否則就要你的命。把你搶個精光之后,還往你嘴里塞上東西,脖子用繩索勒起,把你丟在那兒,以便警告旁人,他們就逃之夭夭。

Sarah : ‘ we are always far too full on christmas day to eat traditional pudding so we opt for something lighter , either syllabub or boodle ' s fool 馬修: “我們家過圣誕節挺傳統的,一般是烤火雞,當然有時也會做烤鴨或是烤鵝,而且我們還會裝飾屋子和圣誕樹。