bonn 波昂〔德國城市〕。
波昂〔德國城市〕。 “bonn agreement“ 中文翻譯: 波恩協定“bonn bulletin“ 中文翻譯: 波恩公報“bonn convention“ 中文翻譯: 波恩公約“bonn keys“ 中文翻譯: 波恩要點“rheinpark bonn“ 中文翻譯: 波恩萊茵公司“university of bonn“ 中文翻譯: 波昂大學; 波恩大學; 波恩萊茵弗里德里希・威廉大學“berlin-bonn information network“ 中文翻譯: 柏波信息網“bonn graduate school of economics“ 中文翻譯: 波恩經濟研究院“bonn international centre for conversion“ 中文翻譯: 波恩國際軍用轉民用中心“bonn om tuk“ 中文翻譯: 底 為期三天的水節; 送水節“bonn phchum ben“ 中文翻譯: 比處本節“bonn recommendations for action“ 中文翻譯: 波恩行動建議“cologne bonn airport“ 中文翻譯: 科隆-波昂; 科隆波恩機場“fh bonn-rhein-sieg“ 中文翻譯: 波恩學院“univ bonn germany“ 中文翻譯: 德國波恩大學“bonmati“ 中文翻譯: 邦馬迪; 邦馬蒂“bonmartini“ 中文翻譯: 邦馬丁尼“bonmartin“ 中文翻譯: 邦馬丹“bonmarin“ 中文翻譯: 邦馬蘭“bonmarchand“ 中文翻譯: 邦馬爾尚
Wwf is particularly concerned to ensure that the marrakech conference resists attempts by australia , canada , russia and japan to utilise the legal text discussions to reopen debate on the compliance sections of the kyoto protocol that their ministers agreed to within the bonn agreement . negotiators should also reject russia s insistence on being allowed even greater credits for “ sinks “ - forests and land - use activities that absorb carbon from the atmosphere - than the generous provisions that russia won in bonn 總會尤其關注澳洲加拿大俄羅斯和日本的部長,會否利用是次馬拉喀什會議,重開遵守京都氣候協議的問題,與會代表亦應拒絕俄羅斯要求進一步增加其碳匯配額所謂碳匯,是指樹林和土地吸收二氧化碳量。 |
Bayern munich coach felix magath admitted sunday that he was unable to make it to his team ' s championship victory celebration on a rhine river pleasure boat saturday night because he drank too much on the bus ride there . “ i celebrated before we got there and was n ' t able to make in on the ship , “ magath told german television network wdr on sunday before a training match in the western city of bonn 德國足壇勁旅拜仁慕尼黑隊于5月6日晚間在一艘萊茵河觀光游船上舉行狂歡晚會,慶祝球隊再次獲得德甲冠軍,但該隊主教練費利克斯馬加特卻沒有出現在慶祝活動的現場,因為他喝“高”了。 |
“ earth ' s physical shape hasn ' t changed since last time , but we have just shown that on average our 400 observation sites lie around 2 . 5 millimeters closer to the center of the earth , “ said axel nothnagel , a mathematician at germany ' s university of bonn who took part in the research “自上次測量以來,地球的物理形態沒有變化,我們只是發現,我們的400個觀察點平均離地心近了2 . 5毫米左右, ”參加此次研究工作的德國波恩大學數學家阿克賽爾?諾特納格爾說。 |
“ countries thinking of raising objections counter to the bonn agreement in marrakech should realize they would be working directly against public opinion and the need to safeguard the world from the impacts of global warming , “ said jennifer morgan Jennifer morgan又稱:那些考慮在馬拉喀什會議上,對波恩協議提出異議的國家,必須認清此舉有違大眾意愿他們亦應了解到實在有需要保護地球免受溫室效應影響。 |
bonne |
Wwf is particularly concerned to ensure that the marrakech conference resists attempts by australia , canada , russia and japan to utilise the legal text discussions to reopen debate on the compliance sections of the kyoto protocol that their ministers agreed to within the bonn agreement . negotiators should also reject russia s insistence on being allowed even greater credits for “ sinks “ - forests and land - use activities that absorb carbon from the atmosphere - than the generous provisions that russia won in bonn 總會尤其關注澳洲加拿大俄羅斯和日本的部長,會否利用是次馬拉喀什會議,重開遵守京都氣候協議的問題,與會代表亦應拒絕俄羅斯要求進一步增加其碳匯配額所謂碳匯,是指樹林和土地吸收二氧化碳量。 |
Her friend was a clifford chatterley , a young man of twenty - two , who had hurried home from bonn , where he was studying the technicalities of coal - mining . he had previously spent two years at cambridge . now he had become a first lieutenant in a smart regiment , so he could mock at everything more becomingly in uniform 他原在德國被恩研究煤礦技術,那時他剛從德國匆匆趕回來,他以前也在劍橋大學待過兩年,現在,他是個堂堂的陸軍中尉,穿上了軍服,更可以目空一切了。 |
Bayern munich coach felix magath admitted sunday that he was unable to make it to his team ' s championship victory celebration on a rhine river pleasure boat saturday night because he drank too much on the bus ride there . “ i celebrated before we got there and was n ' t able to make in on the ship , “ magath told german television network wdr on sunday before a training match in the western city of bonn 德國足壇勁旅拜仁慕尼黑隊于5月6日晚間在一艘萊茵河觀光游船上舉行狂歡晚會,慶祝球隊再次獲得德甲冠軍,但該隊主教練費利克斯馬加特卻沒有出現在慶祝活動的現場,因為他喝“高”了。 |
Among mr . wood s earlier governmental positions were legal counsel to a senate subcommittee on the judiciary , chief legal counsel for the office of foreign missions , department of state ; chief counsel for legislation , small business administration ; attorney advisor in the office of the legal advisor , department of state ; and legal advisor at the american embassy in bonn , germany 他曾參與紐約證券交易所與中國及俄羅斯建立長期關系的工作。鄔氏曾擔任過的政府公職包括:參議院司法小組委員會法律顧問、國務院外館處首席法律顧問、小型企業處首席立法事務顧問、國務院法律顧問室律師以及美國駐德國波昂大使館法律顧問等。 |
The government of the hong kong special administrative region ( hksar government ) has sent delegates to attend the international conference on re in bonn primarily to gain a better understanding of the advancement in re technologies and learn from the experience of other countries and regions 發展可再生能源是全球的趨勢,香港認同有關方向。特區政府代表出席是次會議的主要目的,是希望加深認識可再生能源技術發展的方向,和借鑒其他國家及地區的經驗。 |
“ earth ' s physical shape hasn ' t changed since last time , but we have just shown that on average our 400 observation sites lie around 2 . 5 millimeters closer to the center of the earth , “ said axel nothnagel , a mathematician at germany ' s university of bonn who took part in the research “自上次測量以來,地球的物理形態沒有變化,我們只是發現,我們的400個觀察點平均離地心近了2 . 5毫米左右, ”參加此次研究工作的德國波恩大學數學家阿克賽爾?諾特納格爾說。 |
The marrakech talks focus on completing the translation of the landmark ministerial agreement on the kyoto protocol , achieved in bonn last july , into detailed un legal text that specifies precisely how each of the components of the kyoto treaty will operate 二一年七月,各國于波恩就京都氣候協議達成劃時代的部長級協議。是次馬拉喀什會議的焦點是把協議寫成詳細的聯合國法律文本,界定京都氣候協議每個條文的運作程序。 |
Though acknowledged as the world s leading search technology company , google s goal is to provide a much higher level of service to all those who seek information , whether they re at a desk in boston , driving through bonn , or strolling in bangkok 盡管google已經被認可為世界上的領導搜尋技術公司,但google的目標在于提供更高水準的服務給那些搜尋資訊的人員,無論他們是坐在波士頓的辦公桌前在波昂驅車行駛或在曼谷閑逛。 |
She has won several prestigious vocal competitions , including the dvork competition in karlovy vary and the ard competition in munich . she appears frequently in theatres of nice , lisbon , amsterdam , aix - en - provence , innsbruck , frankfurt , leipzig , bonn , mannheim and bayreuther festspiele 她經常在尼斯、里斯本、阿姆斯特丹、普羅旺斯、因斯布魯克、法蘭克福、萊比錫、波恩、曼海姆的劇院,以及拜羅伊特音樂節等獻藝。 |
“ countries thinking of raising objections counter to the bonn agreement in marrakech should realize they would be working directly against public opinion and the need to safeguard the world from the impacts of global warming , “ said jennifer morgan Jennifer morgan又稱:那些考慮在馬拉喀什會議上,對波恩協議提出異議的國家,必須認清此舉有違大眾意愿他們亦應了解到實在有需要保護地球免受溫室效應影響。 |
According to new scientist , steve perry and jonathan codd from the university of bonn said sauropods , which reached 40 metres and weighed 100 tonnes ( 10 times as much as the largest elephants ) sucked in air more efficiently than mammals today 根據新科學家雜志,柏恩大學的史提夫裴利與強納森考德表示, 40公尺, 100噸(最大型大象的10倍)的龍腳類恐龍,以比今日哺乳類更有效率的方式吸入空氣。 |
Following the environmental summit this past july in bonn , getmany , every nation but one is pressing ahead with the kyoto protocol , which caps industrialized countries ' output of greenhouse gases 今年七月在德國的波恩舉行了環境峰會。會議之后除了美國以外的其它所有國家都加緊促使《京都議定書》的實施。這一議定書限制了工業化國家溫室氣體的排放量。 |
World chess champion beaten by computer program bonn , germany - world chess champion vladimir kramnik lost his final game in a match against computer program deep fritz on tuesday , ceding man vs . machine series 4 - 2 12月5日,國際象棋世界冠軍克拉姆尼克在最后一局與電腦程序“深弗里茨deep fritz ”的對壘中輸給了對手。 |
Conclusion of tests and studies , promoted by the federal government of germany in bonn and conducted by the bavarian ministry ( stmas ) in the department of supply and services , with no less than 68 % success 德國波昂聯邦政及巴伐利亞物資服務部( stmas )發表研究及測試總結,柏克使用者成功比率超過68 % 。 |
Within six months of 173 previously infertile men with at least one varicocele receiving the therapy , a quarter of their partners had become pregnant , scientists at the university of bonn found 波恩大學的科學家發現在173名不育男性在6個月內至少進行一側精索靜脈曲張的治療,則四分之一的伴侶會懷孕。 |