
bonito n.【魚類】東方狐鰹。


1 serve with soup : add seasoning , vegetables , surimi , and bonito soup in a traditional japanese style ; or 2 eat in cold : after drain , dip it into iced water for 20 seconds , drain , add seasoning , vegetable , fish slices , whatever you like , and enjoy 1湯面:加調味料配菜和湯汁即可食用2冷面:撈出后放入加冰塊的冰水中鎮20秒,加調味料和配菜,冷食。

Place the sushi rice on a big plate and arrange all the ingredients on the top of the rice , then sprinkle fuligake and dry bonito before serving the dish 將壽司飯放進大圓盤內,將所有材料擺在上面,在灑上海苔香松及柴魚片,即可上桌。

The representative dishes are : longmen beard chicken , nan kun hill guanyin dish , west brook bamboo shoot , xi lin bonito 龍門胡須雞、南昆山觀音菜、西溪竹筍、西林鰹魚是較有代表性的客家菜。

Grilled salmon and katsuobushi ( bonito flakes ) are traditionally used for fillings 此外,夾心的話,帶有懷舊意味的烤鮭魚和鰹節最具代表。

Support will be provided to bonito and tuna fishing industries around the okinotorishima islands 將支持沖之鳥島周圍鰹和金槍魚的漁業生產。

New capao bonito 新巴西加賓紅

1 - 2 small packet fine bonito shavings 小撮蘿卜芽