bonhomie n.〔法語〕 溫和,和藹;友好。bonhomous ad...
n. 〔法語〕 溫和,和藹;友好。 bonhomous adj. “bonhomme“ 中文翻譯: 博諾姆“bonhomet“ 中文翻譯: 博諾梅“bonhomme libre le“ 中文翻譯: 自由人“bonhome“ 中文翻譯: 博諾姆“bonhomme libre, le“ 中文翻譯: 自由人“bonhoffer“ 中文翻譯: 邦赫費爾“bonhomme richard“ 中文翻譯: 好人理查德“bonhommet“ 中文翻譯: 博諾梅“bonhoefferss symptom“ 中文翻譯: 博恩霍弗爾癥狀
If emerson actually held it, one might trace a line from him down to the sloppy bonhomie of such a work as saroyan's “the time of your life“ . 如果愛默生是始作俑者,衣缽相傳,一直可以傳到薩羅揚的《快樂時光》之類娛人耳目的輕率之作。 |
boniface |
There are positive opinions and negative ones about what weather christmas will harms the traditional culture of china ; look around the bonhomie in shanghai , however , and the excitement of the public of welcoming to christmas day , it just let everyone find a chance to meet together , and don ' t take the culture matter too serious 到底過圣誕節,是不是會侵害傳統的中國文化,正反兩面說法是公說公有理,婆說婆有理;不過看看上海街頭熱鬧的氣氛,以及民眾等著迎接假期的興奮心情;其實,過節嘛,不就是大家找個機會聚在一起聯絡感情,好像沒有這麼嚴重。 |
“ the shanghai city has been full of the bonhomie of christmas , but some candidates for doctor ' s degree of famous universities in beijing declare the west festivals , like christmas , will harm seriously the traditional culture of china . ” , said wei ji zhan , the correspondent of tvbs Tvbs記者詹瑋琦:現在上海到處都是,濃濃的圣誕節過節氣氛,不過在北京,幾所北京知名的大學博士生,他們發表了聯合公開聲明表示,像圣誕節這樣的西方節日,會嚴重侵害到中國的傳統文化。 |
City has been full of the bonhomie of christmas , but some candidates for doctor ' s degree of famous universities in beijing declare the west festivals , like christmas , will harm seriously the traditional culture of china . ” , said wei ji zhan , the correspondent of tvbs 這篇公開信,內容是這麼寫的,西洋文化在中國已經從微風細雨,演變成狂風驟雨,尤其是耶誕節在中國的日趨流行;人們相逢互祝圣誕快樂,皆表明大陸正逐漸,演變成一個西洋文化主導的社會。 |
If emerson actually held it, one might trace a line from him down to the sloppy bonhomie of such a work as saroyan's “the time of your life“ . 如果愛默生是始作俑者,衣缽相傳,一直可以傳到薩羅揚的《快樂時光》之類娛人耳目的輕率之作。 |
Some compensate by disguise, affecting the accent, posture, and bonhomie of the well-bred . 有些人喬裝打扮,彌補缺陷,故意模仿門第高貴的人的言行舉止和溫文爾雅。 |
Halifax, of the public works department, bubbled over with false bonhomie . 在市政工程廳任職的哈里法克斯裝得情緒很高的樣子,不斷打趣逗笑。 |