
bonehead 〔美國〕笨蛋,傻子;囚犯〔罪犯語〕 = boner.

Babbit ' s view is the voice , as novelist rebecca west has said , “ of a bonehead walt whitman “ 正如小說家麗貝卡?韋斯特所說的那樣,巴比特發表的意見就是“大傻瓜華爾特?惠特曼”的意見。

Babbit's view is the voice, as novelist rebecca west has said, “of a bonehead walt whitman“ . 正如小說家麗貝卡韋斯特所說的那樣,巴比特發表的意見就是“大傻瓜華爾特惠特曼”的意見。


Babbit ' s view is the voice , as novelist rebecca west has said , “ of a bonehead walt whitman “ 正如小說家麗貝卡?韋斯特所說的那樣,巴比特發表的意見就是“大傻瓜華爾特?惠特曼”的意見。

Bonehead , shake a leg 笨蛋,快點!

Bunch of dim - witted boneheads 一群笨蛋

She ’ s a real bonehead 她真是個大傻瓜。

Because that fucking bonehead ' s still got his ronald reagan mask on 原來那個榆木腦袋還一直帶著他的羅納德里根的面具

Bonehead , get in the car 笨蛋,進車里來!

Bonehead , you can make it 笨蛋,你會活下來的

Bonehead , take me with you 笨蛋,帶我和你一起走吧

Sky - byte : i ' m not asking for your opinion , you babbling boneheads 我沒有向你們征求意見,你們這些胡扯的笨蛋

Bonehead ? ! you ' re so dead 笨蛋? !你這個該死的東西!

I truly thought bonehead was a moron 我還以為笨蛋就真是個白癡呢

I was thinking what a bonehead play that old jackass made 我在想那頭老笨蛋把東西都讓我們保管

So fencer and bonehead have been pretending they were idiots 那么劍客和笨蛋都是在裝傻羅?

Hey , bonehead , just because his totem is wisdom 死腦筋,他的圖騰是智慧

Hey , bonehead , just because his totem is wisdom . . 死腦筋,他的圖騰是智慧

I ' m really sorry . i thought you were bonehead 我真的很抱歉,我把你當成笨蛋了

I just remembered why bonehead , white - trash , .我剛剛想起為什么愚蠢的,下作的,