
bone n.1.骨(頭);骨狀物〔象牙等〕;骨制品;(食用的)肉...

bone ash

The broken bones knit together . 折骨接合起來了。

Every bone in my body seems to ache . 我全身疼痛。

The dog made a snap at the bone . 狗猛地咬住骨頭。

The first stage of the operation was to join up the bones . 手術的第一步是把骨頭接上。

He concentrates on the bone and muscle of his tale . 他集中全力構思故事的結構和內容。

That fellow hates socialism to the marrow of his bones . 這家伙從骨子里仇恨社會主義。

The workers worked themselves to the bone for the capitalists . 工人們為資本家賣命。

These people made no bones about it . 人們毫不懷疑。

He pressed her little bones . 他緊摟著她嬌小的身軀。

He makes no bones about helping his wife with dishes . 他毫不躊躇地幫助妻子洗碗碟。

Bone marrow is hematopoietic tissue . 骨髓是生血組織。

This fish has a lot of bones in it . 這種魚的魚刺很多。

He dangled a bone in front of the dog . 他晃動骨頭逗狗。

The bullet had smashed the bone . 子彈已經把骨頭打碎了。

The dogs picked the bones clean . 狗把骨頭啃得干干凈凈。

The houses were white as bones in the moonlight . 月光下,房屋象是白森森的人骨。

He ate the fish, bone and all . 他吃魚連骨頭都一起吃了。

I 'm afraid he will never make old bones . 我看他活不長。

She was tired, tired to the bone . 她覺得自己徹骨地疲倦。