uploads/bold face.jpg

bold face n. 【印刷】黑體,粗體。2.vt. 把…印成黑體。


A term used with respect to graphic character to identify type or style ( “ bold face ” , “ an ocr face ” ) 一種關于圖形字符的術語,用以確定其類型或字體,如黑體、光學字符體。

Seeing no change of escape , he put a bold face on the matter and walked directly to me 他見逃不掉了,便裝出一幅對這件事滿不在乎的樣子,徑直朝我走來。

You just earned yourself a photo with a bold face caption 你剛給自己贏得了一張配黑體字說明的照片

Displays all text between the tags in bold face 將這兩個標記之間的所有文本加粗。

Even when he was out at elbows and at his wits, end for money he kept up a bold face . 即使到了一貧如洗,一籌莫展的地步,他也滿不在乎。