
bogus adj.〔美國〕偽造的,假的。n.贗品,偽物。

“ to make die personally in those days , lifetime true bogus who answer know “向使當年身便死,一生真偽誰復知? ”

Bogus “ son “ of ferdinand marcos sentenced by u . s . court 馬可斯的假“兒子”被美國法院判監

bogus certificate

Bogus marriages uncovered 偵破多宗假結婚案

The problem is that many of the clicks on internet advertisements are bogus 問題在于網絡廣告的許多點擊都是虛假的。

That text message was bogus 那條消息是假的

Crime of selling bogus medicines 販賣假藥罪

. . . to chart - topper by forcing sandstone into signing a bogus deai 他靠著一紙不合理的合同從一個小藝人爬到暢銷歌手

Jail for bogus marriage couple 假結婚夫婦被囚

“ to make die personally in those days , lifetime true bogus who answer know “向使當年身便死,一生真偽誰復知? ”

To chart - topper by forcing sandstone into signing a bogus deai 他靠著一紙不合理的合同從一個小藝人爬到暢銷歌手

Was completely bogus , by the way .完完全全是虛構的

In the first place , marriage , the very ritual of marriage , is bogus 首先,婚姻,那個婚姻的儀式,是虛假的。

What you ' re saying is bogus , dude 你唬我啊,老兄。

The company was bogus , the prospectus was all got up 那公司全屬子虛烏有,所謂的創辦計劃是胡編亂造出來的。

Jail term for mainland woman using false document for bogus marriage 內地女子持虛假旅游證件欲假結婚被囚

Three jailed over bogus marriages 三名涉假結婚的人士被囚

Two mainland residents and a hong kong woman jailed over bogus marriages 兩內地男及一港女因假結婚被囚

The so familiar turn bar in the upper right corner is a bogus 這非常熟悉的在右上角的行動條是虛假的。

Jail sentences for bogus marriage couple 涉假結婚夫婦被囚