
blouse n.1.〔法語〕 寬闊的罩衫;【美軍】(作為日常軍服穿的...

And impulsively she said , “ i can t take my blouse off . 她去拍攝,攝影師對她說:把襯衫脫掉。


You ! straighten up that blouse , now ! - that ' s impossible 你!熨平那件上衣,現在就干! -那不可能!

Well , how about this white blouse 嗯,那這件白色上衣怎么樣?

Wellhung : now i ' m unbuttoning your blouse . my hands are trembling 我解開你的上衣,我的手在顫抖。

Aunt sally went shopping and she bought a sweater and a blouse 薩莉阿姨去購物,她買了一件毛衣。

And impulsively she said , “ i can t take my blouse off . 她去拍攝,攝影師對她說:把襯衫脫掉。

. . . used to dress me in girls ' blouses 過去一直讓我穿女孩的衣服

And don ' t think acting like a big girl ' s blouse 別認為裝女人就能

A sleeveless dress worn over a blouse or sweater 無袖連衣裙穿在襯衫或針織套衫外面的無袖連衣裙

Is your definition of a nice blouse something that is clean ?認為一件好的短衫一定要很乾凈嗎?

That ' s a very smart blouse you ' re wearing 你穿的這件襯衫真時髦。

To be honest , that red blouse does not match your skin 說實話,那件紅色上衣與你的膚色不配。

Sweater , blouse , you wear it well . take a compliment 汗衫,外套,你穿上都很好看。請相信吧

She has it with her . it ' s in her blouse 在她身邊,她把她放在上衣里

Milly delighted with molly s new blouse 米莉可喜歡摩莉的新襯衫了。

At the dry cleaners who destroyed another blouse today , 還有那個干洗店今天又弄壞了一件衣服

That ' s a great blouse . have you lost weight 對了,衣服不錯,你苗條了

Silk blouses are brightly colored and beautifully designed 絲綢女襯衫色彩鮮艷,設計美觀。

Get the mouse on my blouse out of the house 把我襯衫上的老鼠扔出去。