
blob n.1.(墨水等的)一滴;(半流質物品的)一團;(顏料的...


Object contains an ace header and an opaque blob of data 一個包含ace標頭和不透明數據blob的

The blob must have the right format for a win32 resource Blob必須具有win32資源的正確格式。

Returns the signature blob identified by a metadata token 返回由元數據標記標識的簽名blob 。

The variable signature as an opaque blob 作為不透明blob的變量簽名。

You can also read the data as a blob 還可以將數據作為blob進行讀取。

Custom custom binary large object blob 自定義的二進制大對象( blob ) 。

The allowed length of an opaque data blob 不透明數據blob的允許長度。

Blobs of paint were dotted around the canvas 油畫布上滿是涂抹的顏料

A hexadecimal version of the public key blob 公鑰blob的十六進制版本。

The strong name public key blob of the software publisher 軟件發行者的強名稱公鑰blob 。

A byte array that represents an asymmetric key blob 一個表示非對稱密鑰blob的字節數組。

Standard datatypes , including blob and clob 標準數據類型,包括blob和clob

An ace contains both an ace header and a binary blob Ace同時包含ace標頭和二進制blob 。

Constructor or a manifest resource blob name should be 構造函數)或清單資源blob名稱。

Class with raw bytes of the public key blob 使用公鑰blob的原始字節初始化

Imports a blob that represents dsa key information 導入一個表示dsa密鑰信息的blob 。

Imports a blob that represents rsa key information 導入一個表示rsa密鑰信息的blob 。

Improvements in blob delivery in merge replication 合并發布中blob傳遞的改進

Type columns as large binary objects blobs Xml實例作為二進制大型對象( blob )存儲在