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beta decay 【原子能】β衰變。

beta minus

They designed sophisticated experiments to test their hypothesis and proposed them to another chinese physicist , c . s . wu , who later confirmed their prediction of symmetry breakown in the beta decay experiment of cobalt 美籍華裔物理學家楊振寧和李政道教授相信自然界并非如此,他們提出論據并由另一位華裔物理學家吳健雄博士通過鈷的衰變實驗所證實。

In some kinds of beta decay , a nuclide loses surplus positive charge by emitting a positron ( in the same event , a proton becomes a neutron , and neutrinos are also given off ) 以某種貝它衰減,一個核素靠發出一個正電子失去剩余正電荷(在相同的事件中,一個質子變成一個中子,而且也發射微中子) 。