
bereft adj.被奪去,失去。 He is utterly be...

In order to obtain appropriate legal explanation , we should construct an “ ideal speech situation “ , in which no participator is bereft of rights to speak or decide , and studying from aspects of method and process are indispensable 第二章“刑法解釋概論。 ”本章首先討論了法律解釋的基本問題,包括法律解釋的客觀性,法律解釋的概念、主體、對象、目標等。


When town worker is applying for individual housing accumulation fund to borrow money , should submit the following data : individual data : the individual that applies for loan ( borrower of the following abbreviation ) the relevant identification of identification and spouse ( id or other and effective certificate all but ) xerox each 4 ; the marriage of borrower proves ( certificate of lone proof , marriage certificate , divorce or divorce judgment , the death that the person that bereft of one ' s spouse must provide opposite party proves ) xerox each 4 ; the significant evidence photocopy that makes the money that buy a house 4 ; the income of borrower and spouse proves each 4 ; original of lawful the contract that buy a house 4 ; and the seal of borrower and its spouse 城鎮職工在申請個人住房公積金貸款時,應提交以下資料:個人資料:申請貸款的個人(以下簡稱借款人)身份證實及配偶的相關身份證實(身份證或其他有效證件均可)的復印件各4份;借款人的婚姻證實(單身證實、結婚證書、離婚證書或離婚判決書,喪偶者須提供對方的死亡證實)的復印件各4份;交購房款的有效憑證復印件4份;借款人及配偶的收入證實各4份;合法的購房合同原件4份;以及借款人及其配偶的印章。

Leisurely , our four horses are taken out ; leisurely , the coach stands in the little street , bereft of horses , and with no likelihood upon it of ever moving again ; leisurely , the new horses come into visible existence , one by one ; leisurely , the new postilions follow , sucking and plaiting the lashes of their whips ; leisurely , the old postilions count their money , make wrong additions , and arrive at dissatisfied results 我們的四匹馬給懶洋洋地牽走了,馬車車廂懶洋洋地停在小街上,馬匹沒有了,仿佛再也不會行動了。新的驛馬一匹又一匹懶洋洋地出現了。新的車夫懶洋洋地跟在后面,編著鞭梢,用嘴吮著。

This appalling sight almost bereft me of my senses , and finding that i could no longer be of service to any one in the house , my only desire was to fly . i rushed towards the staircase , clutching my hair , and uttering a groan of horror . upon reaching the room below , i found five or six custom - house officers , and two or three gendarmes - all heavily armed 這一幕凄慘的景象幾乎使我失去了知覺,既然對這屋里的任何人我都無能為力了,我惟一的念頭便是逃走,我沖到了樓梯口,兩手緊捂著我那火燒般的太陽穴,嘴里驚恐地喊叫著,一到樓下的房間里,我就看見五六個海關關員和兩三個憲兵已在那兒了。

In this paper , an analysis of the present conditions of beijing ' s female senior citizens based on 0 . 95 % of the primary data from the 2000 fifth national population census shows that the educational level and employment rate of female senior citizens are both lower than men ' s whereas their spouse - bereft rate and financial dependency are both higher than men ' s 本文利用2000年第五次人口普查0 . 95 %的原始數據對北京市老年女性的現狀進行了分析描述,結果表明,北京市女性老年人的教育程度、在業率低于男性老人,而喪偶率、經濟依賴性則較男性老人高。

On the base of analyzing existent defects in china and learning from foreignal bereft experiences this paper puts forwards perfected advices about the quality and states of the supervision organization - , supervision authorities and insituatio restriction of the supervision organization , reinforcing self - discipline supervision and so on . what ' s more , this paper puts forward the strategy of the supervision of security facing the two trends : combined operation of financial and internalization of security , which provides important contents for the internalizing innovation of the supervision of security in china 我國證券監管體制的改革與完善是文章的重點內容,在分析我國證券監管體制存在的弊端和借鑒國外的有益經驗基礎上,對我國證券監管機構的性質與地位、監管權限與監管制度、對證券監管機構的監督制衡、加強自律監管等方面都提出了完善意見和建議,并且就金融業走向混業經營和證券業的國際化兩大發展趨勢,提出了證券監管的應對策略,為我國證券監管體制的國際化改革提供了重要內容。

It s not a news update . it s omar abdul kareem s relentlessly beeping cell phone - and one of the 20 or so humorous text messages he gets every day from his friends . in a city bereft of entertainment , text messaging and swapping ringtones are all the rage for young iraqis trying to lighten their lives 這不是一條新聞,而是阿布杜勒卡里姆收到的一條手機短信,卡里姆每天都會從朋友那里收到20條左右的搞笑短信,所以,他的手機總是嘟嘟嘟的響個不停。

In order to obtain appropriate legal explanation , we should construct an “ ideal speech situation “ , in which no participator is bereft of rights to speak or decide , and studying from aspects of method and process are indispensable 第二章“刑法解釋概論。 ”本章首先討論了法律解釋的基本問題,包括法律解釋的客觀性,法律解釋的概念、主體、對象、目標等。

A drought - induced famine is much more likely to trigger conflict in a place that is already impoverished and bereft of any cushion of physical or financial resources 一個地區若已經相當貧困,而且所有物質與財力資源都達到極限時,萬一再發生乾旱、引起饑荒,會比任何地區更可能引發沖突。

In spain and portugal , about 100 bereft relatives have turned the remains of their father , mother or spouse into gems , according to yesterday ' s el mundo 目前,大約有100名西班牙和葡萄牙的死者家屬訂制了這種骨灰鉆石。他們希望將已故的父親、母親或是配偶的骨灰變成鉆石,永遠珍藏起來。

In spain and portugal , about 100 bereft relatives have turned the remains of their father , mother or spouse into gems , according to yesterday ' s el mundo 目前,大約有100名西班牙和葡萄牙的死者家屬訂制了這種骨灰鉆石。他們希望將已故的父親母親或是配偶的骨灰變成鉆石,永遠珍藏起來。

In spain and portugal , about 100 bereft relaties hae turned the remains of their father , mother or spouse into gems , according to yesterday ' s el mundo 目前,大約有100名西班牙和葡萄牙的死者家屬訂制了這種骨灰鉆石。他們希望將已故的父親、母親或是配偶的骨灰變成鉆石,永遠珍藏起來。

Pets are treated as property not as people , severely crimping the opportunity for bumper payouts to the bereft that americans have become used to 寵物是被當作財產對待而不是被當作人,美國人經常因為死去的人獲得巨額賠償,但對于死去的寵物,他們想得到賠償的機會就沒那么大了。

Issac : you deserve the most gruesome fate for the humiliation you brought upon me 3 years ago . bereft of the power of devil forging , you cannot hope to pursue me 3年前你使我蒙羞,為此你應受到最可怕的命運。被剝奪了使魔煉成的能力后,你一點糾纏我的希望都沒有了。

In a city bereft of entertainment , text messaging and swapping ringtones are all the rage for young iraqis trying to lighten their lives 在這個了無生趣的城市,發短信和互發手機鈴聲成了伊拉克年輕人用來調節生活的流行時尚。

Parents assume they will be bereft when the kids leave home , but happiness and marital satisfaction typically improve 父母們認為當孩子離開了家獨立,他們就失去了親人,可往往他們的幸福和婚姻滿足程度會提高。

A scientific laboratory , bereft of familiar materials and forms , can challenge its occupants to imagine the world of tomorrow 一個科學實驗室,刻意的放棄熟悉的形式與材料,能夠引發使用者對于未來的憧憬。

In a city bereft of entertainment , text messaging are all the rage for young iraqis trying to lighten their lives 報道說,在(伊拉克)這個毫無樂趣的城市,發短信成了當地年輕人用來調節生活的流行時尚。

But bereft of miss bhutto , the party ? and the country ? look desperately short of leaders of national stature 但是布托不再,人民黨和巴基斯坦都急切的需要一個能治理國家的領導人。