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behaviour therapy 【醫學】行為療法〔一種心理療法〕。


Your study focused on t1dm patients , could you imagine that the motivational enhancement therapy ( met ) plus cognitive behaviour therapy ( cbt ) have similar effects on t2dm patients 您的研究是在1型糖尿病患者中進行的,那么對于2型糖尿病患者,這種心理治療(激發性強化治療聯合認知行為治療)是否會產生同樣的效應?

Non - drug therapies , such as cognitive behaviour therapy , have been found to be useful in helping older people deal with insomnia , they said 相比較起來,其它一些不用服藥的方法,如認知行為療法則更適合于老年人用來對抗失眠癥。

Cognitive behaviour therapy , cbt 混合認知行為治療