
baste vt.用長針腳縫,疏縫,假縫。

“ i baste the chicken with one hand and outline the paper with the other . “我一只手能為烤鴨涂油,一只手能為論文打提綱


In blasting experiments , durations of subordinate basting seismic waves and intensity of influence among them are changed by adjusting the number of subordinate blasting , explosive weigh of subordinate blasting , total quantum of explosive , interval , hole - net parameters and wave resistance of rock , etc 摘要在爆破實驗中,通過調整段數、分段炸藥量、炸藥總量、間隔時間、孔網參數、巖石波阻等爆破相關因素,以改變各分段爆破地震波持續時間、段別間爆破地震波重疊程度來研究爆破地震強度與爆破相關因素間的相互關系。

In this paper , basted on the sum - up and investigation of simulation calculation of long - span bridge construction in nation and international , the detailed approach of imitated calculation of long - span cfst arch bridge is given out , and the reason why the general backward analysis is not suitable for the application of the rib - hoisting of cfst arch bridge is analyzed . and an applied method for forward analysis based on iterative theory is put forward 本論文通過對國內外橋梁施工仿真計算成果的總結和研究,給出了大跨度鋼管混凝土拱橋仿真計算的具體步驟,分析了一般的倒退仿真計算方法不適合應用于鋼管混凝土拱橋吊裝的原因,并為此提出了基于迭代理論的前進分析實用方法。

Just as she had put on a bodice basted together , with the sleeves not yet tacked in , and was turning her head to look at the fit of the back in the looking - glass , she caught the sound of her fathers voice in the drawing - room in eager conversation with another voice , a womans voice , which made her flush red 當她試穿那件還沒有縫好衣袖粗粗地繚上幾針的束胸,轉過頭來照鏡子,看看后片是否合身的時候,聽見客廳里傳來她父親和一個女人興致勃勃地談話的聲音,她聽見女人的語聲之后漲紅了臉。

Firstly , the author evaluated the fund through the technology and tested it with examples . basted on the capital asset pricing model and the theory of portfolio , the paper used the ratio of profit according time to evaluate the profit ; used the a and 3 to evaluate the risk ; used the sp , tp , a p to evaluate the profit according to the risk ; used the ability of liquid and so on to evaluate the fund portfolio . otherwise , the author corrected the asset of fund according to the specialty of our country 技術面評價以證券投資組合理論和資本資產定價模型為基礎,運用時間加權收益率對基金收益進行評價;運用系數、系數對基金風險進行評價;運用夏普指數、特雷納指數、詹森指數、積極投資效率指數對基金進行收益和風險配比評價;運用基金平均市盈率、股票集中度、股票日換手率、基金流動性和基金平均漲幅對基金進行組合質量評價;并根據我國股市的特點對基金凈值進行修正計算,對基金實際價值進行評估。

The unbalance between demand and supply becomes more obvious in the late of 1990 ' s and then blasted under the background of financial crisis in south east asia . positive fiscal policy was adapted just under this situation , its direct motion is to relieve the structural disequilibrium of supply and demand , which is basted on the insufficience of domestic demand and oversea demand 這種供與需的矛盾在90年代中后期日益彰顯,并最終在東南亞金融危機的導引下出現了總爆發。積極財政政策的出爐正是應這一形勢的要求而生的。它的直接動機就是要緩解在內需和外需雙重不旺基礎上的供需結構性失衡。

This paper studies the ways to comfotmate the models of portfolio investment combi - nation , and demonstration analysis , divided into three parts . the first part : exordium . mainly introduces the risk of portfolio investment . the second part : brings forward several kinds of investment combination model , including the traditional markowitz model , multiobjective programming and fuzzy programming . the third part : goes along with the demonstration analysis of each kind of model basted on the shanghai stock market , at the same time , appraises the superiority and inferiority with the single - parameter measurement of tangible achievement . before then , most papers discussed the static models , this paper extends the static models to the dynamic models by the means of weighted moving average and bayes estimation 本文研究了證券投資組合模型的構造方法及其實證分析,分三部分進行:第一部分,緒論,主要介紹證券投資的風險;第二部分,提出幾種投資組合模型,在傳統的馬柯維茨模型及線性規劃的基礎上,本文另外提出多目標規劃的其它解法,并把前人模糊規劃的理論應用到具體的建模中;第三部分,根據我國的滬市行情,對各種模型進行實證分析,并利用實績的單參數度量對各種模型的優劣性進行評價。

Mary did look up , and she did stare at me : the ladle with which she was basting a pair of chickens roasting at the fire , did for some three minutes hang suspended in air ; and for the same space of time john s knives also had rest from the polishing process : but mary , bending again over the roast , said only - 她用來給兩只烤著的雞涂油的杓子,在空中停了大約三分鐘,約翰忘了擦拭,手中的刀具停了同樣長的時間。但是瑪麗又彎下腰,忙她的烤雞去了,只不過說:

A second visit was paid to the different rooms in the lodgings , and in the kitchen nana talked of economy in the presence of the charwoman , who was basting the fowl , and said that a servant would have cost too much and that she was herself desirous of looking after things 她們又一次參觀房子在廚房里,她們看見女仆在烤雞上澆鹵汁,娜娜當著女仆的面,說要節省開支,雇個女傭人花費太大,她想自己操持家務。

The place to go is han lok yuen or , more simply , the pigeon restaurant , though if you would like to sample this renowned lamma island dish - basted in barbecue sauce and then roasted to perfection - you may have to order in advance 談到電力廠,當地居民知悉這個島將要興建香港首座生產再生能源的商用風力發電機時,難免掩不住有點興奮。這座風力發電機,預計可在2006年初開始運作。

Mix the ginger and soy sauce and baste the chicken breasts , then bake them in a preheated oven , 190 , gas 5 , for 15 - 20 minutes . let cool , then slice very finely 將姜末和老抽混合,抹于雞脯浸漬,然后放入已預熱的烤箱內烘烤,溫度190 ,煤氣5擋,烤15 20分鐘,隨后拿出冷卻,切成薄片。

The findings say researcher , bolster recommendations that adults eat more plant - basted food for the sake of their cardiovascular health 研究員研究結果認為,并支持性的推薦成年人吃比平常更多的植物性食物可以?她們的心血管健康獲得更多的利益與幫助。

The rule to determine the basting parameters is obtained to provide a theoretical foundation for the optimal design of the blasting parameters in productive practices 獲得了確定段數等爆破參數的規則,從而為生產實踐設計最佳爆破參數提供理論依據。

The meat is seared in a pan on both sides for two minutes and then basted with yet more foie gras before being chilled for 15 minutes and sliced 牛肉需在平鍋中烤上兩分鐘至兩面微微烤焦,在冷卻之前抹上更多的鵝干醬進味15分鐘,然后切成薄片。

She was in the kitchen basting a turkey when bess rang the bell . her heart raced , and she wondered if the heat from the oven was responsible 她在廚房給正在烤炙中的火雞上奶油時,碧絲按了門鈴。她的心狂跳起來,她懷疑是烤箱的熱度影響了心跳。

A short time after she pursued - i seed you go out with the master , but i didn t know you were gone to church to be wed ; and she basted away 過了一會兒她接著說: “我看見你與主人出去,但我不知道你們是上教堂結婚的。 ”

Bake chicken at 180c / 350f hot oven for about 1 hour or until done . baste with remaining marinade during cooking 將雞放入預熱?爐攝氏180度/華氏350度?約1小時或至熟透,間中掃以腌汁。

Baste stitch to keep the pocket closed is too tight , make 8 - 10 stitches per in to close it and leave 假縫要保存被關閉的口袋一針太緊,制造8 - 10針每一在關它和休假

Capricorn : tries to come up with the most efficient way to engineer the turkey , from basting to carving 摩羯:一定在琢磨著處理火雞從涂油到烹飪的最有效的辦法。