
azalea n.【植物;植物學】杜鵑花。

Camellia , “ messanger of spring “ , magnolia , azalea lily , orchid , “ luronghao “ and rough gentia are eight well - known flowers 不用走遍云南,就可飽覽云南高原上二十五個少數民族濃郁的文化風情和熱情好客的精神風貌。


A bank of white azaleas outlining the outer curve of the garden narrowed into white lilies at the tips , and drifts of bright , white impatiens defined the inner curve of a sickle moon 花園的月牙形的弓背部是一排白杜鵑花,兩端狹窄近末梢部分種的是白百合,月牙形的弓弦部是一簇簇鮮艷的白鳳仙花。

Every march , when the faint fragrance of blooming azaleas spreads far and wide in formosa , national taiwan university holds its grand azalea season festival , heralding the arrival of spring 每年孟春三月,臺大校園都會舉行杜鵑花季盛宴,透過淡淡的杜鵑花香,將訊息飄送天際。

In addition , there is a great variety of flowers , for example , azaleas , camellias and desert roses . it is a highly educational landscaped garden 此外,園內更種植了不少奇花異卉,其中包括多種杜鵑花、茶花、沙漠玫瑰和繡球花等等… ,是富有教育意義的園林場地。

Government house has a front lawn and a back garden . prominent among the plants in the garden are the many azaleas that come to full bloom in spring 香港禮賓府門前有一片草坪,常年綠草如茵,背后花園廣種植物,繁花似錦,春天杜鵑花盛放,爭妍斗麗,滿園添色。

By trial and error , the nursery team eventually found a few species of trees that could brave these wuthering heights . they included pine , casuarinas and azalea 園藝組屢敗屢試,終于找到多種植物特別合適在中大生長,它們包括松、木麻黃和杜鵑。

After the retreat , the practitioners planted approximately 160 pine trees and countless flowers , including royal azaleas , around the centers newly built meditation hall 打禪結束后,大家在新蓋的大殿周圍種了約160棵松樹以及杜鵑花等許多花卉。

White azalea the people of bai nationality have a long history of eating white azalea and can cook dozens of dishes with such flower 白杜鵑花白族食用杜鵑花的歷史悠久,海云居僧尼的食譜已相傳幾百年,煮、煎、炒… …可做出10多道山珍菜肴。

The pines , great and small , grew wide apart ; and even between the clumps of nutmeg and azalea , wide open spaces baked in the hot sunshine 大大小小的松樹間隔很遠,甚至在一叢叢的肉豆蔻和杜鵑花之間也有大片空地曝曬于烈日下。

Over 20 , 000 citizens had visited the government house during the four days to see the blooming azaleas in the gardens and the mini - display in the ball room 在四天內超過二萬名市民參觀禮賓府內的杜鵑花及圖片展覽。

Camellia , “ messanger of spring “ , magnolia , azalea lily , orchid , “ luronghao “ and rough gentia are eight well - known flowers 不用走遍云南,就可飽覽云南高原上二十五個少數民族濃郁的文化風情和熱情好客的精神風貌。

I lingered on my way till thy cherry tree lost its blossom , but the azalea brings to me , my love , thy forgiveness 我在小徑上躊躇不前,直到你的櫻花落英繽紛,但是,我的愛呀,杜鵑花卻為我送來你的寬恕。

In public parks and gardens a multitude of flowers - roses , lilac , azaleas , irises filled the air with fragrance 在一些公園和花園間,群芳吐艷- -玫瑰、丁香、杜鵑、蝴蝶花競相開放- -空中彌漫著濃郁的香氣。

The white azalea discovered locally is named the hong kong azalea . wild azaleas are protected by law and picking is prohibited 中大校園內種植的杜鵑花有紅杜鵑、紫杜鵑、白杜鵑、香港杜鵑和華麗杜鵑。

Pines in the shape of flying dragons and double dragons as well as the yellow mountain azalea are found on the peak 蓮花峰上既有許多或似飛或似雙的松樹,也有著名的黃山杜鵑花。

April 14 , 2006 yulong lijiang , yunan . fire were burning brightly in the forests which were full of azaleas 2006年4月14日,云南省麗江市玉龍縣,林火在開滿杜鵑花的森林里肆虐。

Government house , which was built in 1855 , is famous for the azaleas planted throughout the gardens 香港禮賓府始建于一八五五年,以花園內遍植杜鵑花而聞名。

The scent of the azaleas awakened my memory of his unexpected appearance that afternoon years ago 杜鵑花的味道喚醒了我對許多年前那個下午他突然出現的記憶。

Study on the problems existing in the tourism development of guizhou baili azalea scenery site 貴州百里杜鵑風景名勝區旅游業存在的問題和發展趨勢