
axiom n.1.自明之理。2.【邏,數】公理;原理,原則,通則。...

“ i have been nearly mad ; and you know the axiom , - non bis in idem “我是幾乎發過瘋,您知道有一句格言說一事不重現。

Things commonly believed in are false; the “artist“ is isolated from the rest of society: these were, in general, adopted as axioms by the writers of the lost generation . 人所共信的東西都是虛假的,“藝術家”和社會是隔絕的:一般而言,這是迷惘一代的作家信奉的原則。


In part one , we discuss the attractors hierarchy for axiom a diffeomorphisms 在第一部分中討論了公理a吸引子的層次。

“ i have been nearly mad ; and you know the axiom , - non bis in idem “我是幾乎發過瘋,您知道有一句格言說一事不重現。

The independence of the axioms characterizing fuzzy rough approximation operators 模糊粗糙近似算子公理集的獨立性

Completeness of axiom systems 公理系統的完全性

Fuzzy - paracomactness and separation axioms 2分離性

Irreducible principles ? axioms ? have always been a part of mathematics 不可約的原理(公設)永遠與數學同在。

Euclid ' s axioms form the foundation of his system of geometry 歐幾里德原理構成了他的幾何系統的基礎。

Make sure not to confuse self - interest axiom and rational axiom 確保不要混淆私利和理性的根本原則。

Some applications of the choose axiom 關于選擇公理的某些應用

The start - point of legal reasoning should also be axiom 法律推理的邏輯起點也應當是這樣的公理。

Choose axiom and its equivalent statencents 選擇公理及其等價命題

The separation axioms of t212l - fts and st212l - fts 拓撲空間的分離性

Some properties of t21 2 separation axiom in l - fuzzy topological spaces 閉包空間及其連通性

Sub - separation axioms on l - topological spaces 拓撲空間的次分離性公理

Axiom 3 : the property of being god - like is positive 公理3 : “是類上帝的”是一個肯定性質

The axiom model about the value function for eductional evaluation 教育評價的公理化模型

A doubting logic system containing descartes axiom 上的一個懷疑邏輯系統