
axilla n.( pl. axillas, -lae )1.【解剖...


From the analysis , some suggestion about joint rigidity design is put forward : 1 . joint initial rigidity can be enhanced within the limited range when to increase end - plate thickness ; 2 . the rigidity and ultimate moment can be enhanced obviously when to adopt the beam with inclined section or to add axilla at the connections between beam and column ; 3 . withm the permissive construction condition , exteriorly extended end - plate inclinedly placed is suggested to be applied firstly ; 4 . when the rate of joint rigidity to beam rigidity , that is called , is less than 0 . 1 , the joints can be regarded as zero - rigidity joints ; on the other hand , if is more than 26 , it is rigid connection joints 采用斜截面梁并在梁柱交接處局部加腋能明顯提高節點剛度和梁的抗彎能力; 3在允許的施工條件下,應優先采用外伸式端板斜放節點,有利于提高節點剛度,進而提高節點的抗彎能力; 4節點剛度與其連接構件的剛度比值0 . 1時,可按鉸接節點設計; 26時,可按剛接節點設計。

Contemplating on the need of complete lymph node dissection and the use of interferon as an adjuvant therapy , we arranged preoperative lymphoscintigraphy which revealed dominant radio tracer uptake at axilla 因計劃根除性淋巴結摘除及以干擾素做輔助治療,我們安排了術前淋巴閃爍檢查,并于腋下發現多數放射性追蹤劑。

A 37 - year - old female patient presented with malignant fibrous histiocytoma ( mfh ) of the right axilla , occurring 7 . 8 years after radiation treatment for infiltrating duct carcinoma of right breast 一位37歲婦女于7 . 8年前因乳癌接受放射線治療后,于右側腋下發生惡性纖維組織細胞瘤。

The rash appears on the first or second day of illness over trunk and neck . then it spreads to the limbs especially on axilla , elbow and groin 皮疹會在發病首天或翌日在軀干或頸部出現,接蔓延至四肢,特別是腋窩肘部及腹股溝。

Supporting the patient ' s arm during the axillary examination allows the arm to be fully relaxed so that nodes deep within the axilla can be palpated 腋下檢查時,支撐病人手臂,使其充分放松,這樣就可以摸到腋窩深處的淋巴結。

Examination of remaining parts of the body , including interdigital webs , axilla and periumbilical area , revealed no signs of scabies 針對病患身體其他部位,包括指縫間、腋下和肚臍周圍等處做檢查,并未發現有疥瘡蹤跡。

Axilla - shoulder - elbow bandage 腋肩肘吊帶

Be sure that the restraint does not rub child's axilla or wrist . 要確保約束帶不摩擦小兒的腋或腕部。

The late complications includes skin contractures in the axilla . 晚期并發癥包括腋部的皮膚攣縮。