
awake vt.(awoke ,awaked; awoke, aw...

“he's awake now,“ the doctor said . “他現在蘇醒了,”醫生說。


When other things sank brooding to sleep the heath appeared slowly to awake and listen . 當其它萬物倦憩欲睡之時,荒原卻仿佛正在慢慢醒來,側耳聆聽。

Men are awake enough to their own interests , who turn a deaf ear to their friends' distress . 對朋友的痛苦置若罔聞的人,對個人的利益非常注意。

She loved to read, and she would lie awake late at night in her bed, devouring books . 她愛讀書,晚上,她會在床上躺到深夜,如饑似渴地貪讀著書。

The massive blasts shook windows throughout the city, jolting sleeping residents awake . 大量的沖擊波震動了整個城市的窗戶,驚醒了睡夢中的居民。

This kept the old fellow awake half through the night, and made him feverish and uneasy . 這使老人整夜沒有睡好,他只覺得心煩意亂,渾身不舒服。

It was nearly bed time and when they awoke next morning land would be in sight . 現在差不多該是上床的時候了,等第二天早上醒來,就能看見陸地。

Through the opened top of the window came the noises of polk street, already long awake . 從打開的氣窗外面傳來了早就很熱鬧的波克街的鬧聲。

I was broad awake by this time, but, lying perfectly at ease, remained still . 這時我完全醒了,因為躺在那里十分舒適,所以一直沒有動。

At night the noise from the zipping and the unzipping was enough to keep a man awake . 夜闌人靜緊松拉鏈的聲音就足以使人夜不成寐。

At that time my virtue slumbered; my evil, kept awake by ambition . 就在那時,我的善的一面睡著了,我的邪惡面因野心勃勃而清醒著。

The trojans awoke from their dreams of peace to see their homes in flames . 特洛伊人從恬靜的夢中醒來,看到他們的家宅在燃燒。

It's what keeps me awake at night, and makes me so crazy for your strong tea . 這就是我夜里睡不著非要喝這釅茶不可的原因。

After this i lay awake all night because i had used the word faithful . 其后,我一夜未曾合眼,因為我用了“忠實”二字。

He's been very restless all day and he was awake nearly all last night . 整天他都神魂不安,昨兒一整夜幾乎沒有合上眼。

It was late next morning when oliver awoke from a sound long sleep . 奧立弗這一覺睡得又香又長,第二天早晨很晚才醒來。

She went and tapped at liddy's door, and after some labour awoke her . 她去敲了敲麗蒂的門,頗費了些周折才把她叫醒。

His wife's expostulations awoke his half slumbering regrets . 他妻子的苦苦規勸,勾引起他內心潛在的悔恨情緒。

A confused sound of voices, mingled with her dreams, awoke her . 一種紛亂的人聲,混入她的夢中,把她驚醒。