
await vt.〔書面語〕等,等待;期待。 await sb. 等...


The investigation of its infinitely small components had to await the development of optical methods and is of relatively recent origin . 要研究其無數小的結構成分,必須有待于光學方法的發展,因而其起始較晚。

A deeper understanding of submicroscopic nature awaits the discovery of another natural unit, possibly a fundamental length . 對亞微觀世界進一步的了解,可望發現另一個自然單位,這可能是一個基本長度。

He awaited the examination with a calm unflinching intelligence, which dictated the clearest and most pertinent answers . 他秉著沉靜和剛毅的理智,準備受詢,在受詢時,他果然作出最清楚最切合的答話。

As will be seen, it is largely a matter of careful experimentation and recognition of the many pitfalls awaiting the unwary . 顯然,這主要是精心的實驗和對于由疏忽而造成的若干失誤予以判明的問題。

Back in his own office once more, director tynan stood grimly in the center of the room, awaiting harry adcock . 泰南局長又回到自己的辦公室,嚴峻地站在屋子中央,等哈里阿德科克來。

At the gangway a steward awaited them with an invitation to join the captain for drinks in his cabin . 船上的一個乘務員正在舷梯口等著他們;船長想邀請他們先到房艙里去喝兩杯酒。

Building an abm, it was argued, implied that we might await a soviet attack and seek to ride it out . 有人說,建立反彈道導彈意味著我們可能等待蘇聯的襲擊,并試圖經受住襲擊。

The principle that formal diplomatic ties had to await an agreement over taiwan remained intact . 雙方建立正式的外交關系必須等到對臺灣問題達成協議之后,這條原則仍然不變。

A colonel azizov, a swarthy, sardonic, pipe-smoking tartar, awaited levchenko . 一個叫阿基佐夫的上校,在等著列夫欽科。他皮膚黝黑,面帶譏諷表情,嘴里叼著煙斗,是個韃靼人。

Without the encouragement of his father's society he should barely have patience to await his own turn . 失去了跟父親相依為命的條件,他簡直沒有耐心等待自己那一天的到來。

So, after two days, the reply so impatiently awaited was placed in the hands of president barbicane . 于是過了二天,巴比康主席手里拿到了大家那樣迫切地等待著的回信。

Prime minister yasuhiro nakasone unveiled a long awaited three-year plan to ease import restrictions . 中曾根首相宣布了一個人們等待已久的放寬進口限制的三年計劃。

Napoleon pushed on to moscow, where one of the greatest disappointments of his life awaited him . 拿破侖向莫斯科挺進,然而他一生最大的一次挫敗卻在那里等著他。

We may await the decision of this long air battle with sober but increasing confidence . 我們可以懷著冷靜的然而是日益增長的信心等待這一長期的空戰結局。

We are as hosts at home awaiting the arrival of our weary visitors. this will give us victory in every battle . 以逸待勞,以主制客,此乃百戰百勝之勢。

The bold and brilliant dream which excited the founder of this nation still awaits its consummation . 開國先賢所追求的勇敢明智的理想仍有待完成。

They all lived and died unconscious of the different fates awaiting their relics . 無論生前,也無論死后他們都不知道有不同的命運在那兒等著他們。

A three-dimensional solution to cover the rolling of narrow sheets and bars is still awaited . 關于窄板和棒材軋制的三維解,目前仍有待于作出。

We eagerly await the results of the american cancer society's program and other studies . 我們殷切地期待美國防癌協會的計劃及其它研究項目。