
avid adj.1.渴望的;貪婪的。2.熱心的。短語和例子avi...

My avid reading drew the attention of my supervisor who commented to our colleagues , “ someone here is going to take the university entrance exams ! 主管見我看書如此專注,還對同事說:你們這里有人要考大學啊!

Emperor akihito , an avid scientist , said he sometimes wishes he had more time to do research or “ to take long walks . 渴望成為一名科學家的明仁天皇說,有時候他希望自己能有更多的時間做做研究或“散散步” 。

Emperor akihito , an avid scientist , said he sometimes wishes he had more time to do research or “ to take long walks . 渴望成為一名科學家的明仁天皇說,有時候他希望自己能有更多的時間做做研究或“散散步” 。

Clerk maria saenz and student worker susana guillen , avid fans of the real beckham , “ were just jumping up and down “ after the first call 職員瑪麗亞薩耶恩茲和學工蘇珊娜吉倫都是小貝的“粉絲” 。


Our mobile and broadband internet penetration rates are among the highest in the world , and the hong kong community is avid users of it box 1 本港流動通訊服務和寬頻上網的普及率是全球最高地區之一,而大部分本港市民亦熱衷于應用資訊科技見方格1 。

I too have had friends that would up playing all day every day . i ' m an avid gamer but watching these guys let everything slide was mind - boggling 我也是有朋友整天的在玩。我是個熱中游戲的玩家但是看到這些?伙讓所有的事物都流逝掉了真是傻得可以啊。

Hayao miyazaki is an avid guardian of nature . in the past , he always incorporated the message of environmental conservation in his films . this time in 鬼神世界亦有小倩的影子,白則似西片魔域仙蹤the neverending story的大白。

Many avid fanfic readers agree that some stories posted by fanfic writers are more entertaining than the actual television shows they are derived from 許多影迷小說的讀者認為這些小說的作者寫出的作品比電視劇的原作更富娛樂性。

This collection will interest architects and urban planners and is sure to convert more than one reader into an avid furniture - spotter 這本設計集不僅是設計師和城市規劃師的必需品,同時也是任何一個熱愛景觀欣賞之士所尋找之書。

The hong kong community is now one of the most avid internet users in the region and we are moving towards an it - savvy society 香港社會已成為區內最多互聯網用戶的地方之一,我們將會發展成為一個慣于應用資訊科技的社會。

Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity , whom they imagine avid for continual praise 人類甚至犯了大不敬之罪,往神明身上加上了相同的欲望,認為他們也渴望得到永不停息的頌揚

Mankind have even comimitted the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity , whom they imagine avid for continual praise 人類甚至對神不敬,說神也有類似的欲望;在他們的想象中,神對贊揚之聲,也是如饑似渴。

It soon spread to england , where both henry vii and henry viii were avid players who promoted the building of more courts 隨后,它很快地傳到了英國,那時亨利七世和八世是網球的癡迷者,他們還下令建造很多網球場地。

My avid reading drew the attention of my supervisor who commented to our colleagues , “ someone here is going to take the university entrance exams ! 主管見我看書如此專注,還對同事說:你們這里有人要考大學啊!

Emperor akihito , an avid scientist , said he sometimes wishes he had more time to do research or “ to take long walks . 渴望成為一名科學家的明仁天皇說,有時候他希望自己能有更多的時間做做研究或“散散步” 。

Emperor akihito , an avid scientist , said he sometimes wishes he had more time to do research or “ to take long walks . 渴望成為一名科學家的明仁天皇說,有時候他希望自己能有更多的時間做做研究或“散散步” 。

There were others , like norman st . john - stevas , who were avid supporters , but had never held senior rank in the cabinet 還有其他象諾爾曼?圣約翰-斯蒂弗斯一樣熱心的支持者,但從未在內閣中擔任過顯要職務。

He also is an avid professional sports fan and enjoys softball , bowling , traveling , and spending quality time with his family 他還是熱心的職業運動愛好者,喜歡壘球、保球以及與家人一起度過寶貴的時間。

Clerk maria saenz and student worker susana guillen , avid fans of the real beckham , “ were just jumping up and down “ after the first call 職員瑪麗亞薩耶恩茲和學工蘇珊娜吉倫都是小貝的“粉絲” 。