
avestan adj.1.祆教經典的。2.用以寫成祆教經典的印歐語;伊...


Some scholars have said that the 600 bc date is still plausible if gathic avestan was actually an artificially preserved sacred language , somewhat like latin , which continued in literature and rituals thousands of years after it had ceased to be spoken 一些學者指出,如果迦特的阿維斯陀語是人為保存的宗教語言,那么公元前六百年的日期仍然是似是而非的。

Along with sanskrit ( 1785 ) other languages were deciphered : pahlavi in 1793 , cuneiforms in 1803 , hieroglyphs in 1822 , and avestan in 1832 除梵語( 1785年)外,其他語言也被翻譯過來:巴列維語是在1793年,楔形文字是在1803年,象形文字在1822年,阿維斯陀語在1832年。

Gathic avestan was very close to the sanskrit of the indian rig - vedas , which can be dated from the period 1500 - 1200 bc 《迦特》的阿維斯陀語與《梨俱吠陀》的梵語非常接近,可以追溯到公元前1500 ? ?公元前1200 。

According to avestan belief , there is no reversal and no deviation possible once a man has made his decision 通過對《阿維斯陀》的信仰,人一旦作出了他的選擇,就沒有顛倒和背離的可能。