
autumn n.1.秋,秋季〔英國為八、九、十月;美國普通稱 fal...


Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the autumn . 我們正著手生產一種新的款式,可望在秋季面世。

This was the first time mom had let grandpa out of the house since last autumn . 這次是去年秋天后媽媽首次讓爺爺到屋外去。

The autumn moon has always been a favourite with poets and lovers of nature . 秋月向來受到詩人和熱愛大自然的人們的寵愛。

According to the lunar calendar , the autumn harvest moon is exceptionally bright . 按陰歷算,秋收季節里的月光格外明亮。

In the autumn of 1943 it turned out that our expectations had been premature . 1943年秋天,情況表明我們的期望過急了。

Gathering pecans in that grove was an autumn chore we always enjoyed . 我們一直很喜歡的活動就是在小樹叢里采集山核桃。

We stopped sniping all of ten minutes to see the fiery colors of the autumn . 我們只停了十分鐘來欣賞如火如荼的秋色。

The autumn harvest uprising brought into being the workers and peasants' armed forces . 秋收起義建立了工農武裝。

They are far more destructive to the fruit industry than autumn frosts . 它們比秋季早霜對果樹生產的損害大得多。

Autumn was getting hold of the old oak tree, its leaves were browning . 秋意已經侵上那棵老橡樹,樹葉已經轉黃。

Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden severe autumn . 有一半水果作物在秋天突如其來的嚴寒中凍死了。

The soil steadily dries out until the onset of the autumn rains . 在秋季雨季來臨之前,土壤逐漸干旱。

We often go for an outing in the country on fine days in spring and autumn . 春秋佳日,常作郊游。

There are four seasons in a year; spring, summer, autumn and winter, 一年有四季:春、夏、秋、冬。

The autumn wind is soughing . 秋風蕭瑟。

Our beloved summer is gone. the autumn winds have begun . 我們大家喜歡的夏天已經過去,秋風起了。

The autumn air, blithe and vivacious, elated philip . 秋天的空氣愉快而舒暢,使菲利浦意氣風發。

The autumn rain goes on and on . 秋雨綿綿。

They had purposely postponed going to london till the autumn . 他們故意把倫敦之行延期到秋天。