
autonomy n.1.自治;自治權。2.自治州;自治團體。3.人身自由...

The name “city“ was given to a settlement because it had achieved a certain degree of political autonomy from the central government . 一片居住區之所以能被冠以“城市”的名稱,是因為它從中央政府那里取得了一定程度的政治自治權。


On the spirit of national regional autonomy law 論民族區域自治法的精神

On cultural autonomy in globalization process 論全球化進程中的文化主權

Research of governing pattern of town administration - villager autonomy 治理模式之探微

Financial autonomy should be guaranteed 對政自治權應該受到尊重和保障。

Villagers ' autonomy : a perspective from the law 對村民自治概念的法學分析

And mothers superior have much autonomy in their own monasteries 和教母各自有自治權利

( 4 ) what ought to be done to upgrade the school autonomy ( 4 )怎樣提高學校的自主性

Legislative defect and perfection of the villagers ' autonomy 村民自治的立法缺失及完善

Or how is the school autonomy sprouting 或者說學校的自主性是如何生成的

Discussion on the relativity of university ' s academic autonomy 論大學學術自治的相對性

Basic thinking on system of villagers ' autonomy 健全村民自治機制的基本思路

He ' s been given full autonomy and access 他獲得了最高權限和自用行動的權力

Autonomy of portuguese in macao in the ming dynasty 淺論明代澳門葡人的自治

A study on local legislation for village autonomy in beijing 明代北京街道溝渠的管理

Direct election : keys to villagers ' autonomy 海原縣村民自治狀況調查研究報告

Reflections on market oriented university autonomy 對市場取向大學自主的省思

Problem on the villager ' s autonomy and countermeasures 村民自治存在的問題與對策研究

( 2 ) what is the content and reference of school autonomy ( 2 )學校的自主性指什么