
automatic adj.1.自動的;機械的。2.【生理】自動性的,無意識...

Verona escaped, immediately after dinner, with no discussion save an automatic “why don't you ever stay home?“ from babbitt . 剛吃完晚飯,維隆娜就溜了,沒有引起議論,只有巴比特有口無心地說了一句“你干嗎不喜歡呆在家里?”

If the car has an automatic transmission, a “flex plate“ and the torque converter attached to it function similarly . 如果汽車安裝有一臺自動換擋變速器,則可在汽車上安裝“撓性板”和液力變矩器,其功能是相似的。

Energizing the machine “start“ switch places the machine in an automatic single cycle operation that completes the element assembly . 開動機器,進行一次自動循環運轉就完成極群組的鑄焊。

automatic cashier

This recent instrument includes a built-in fabry-perot interometer calibration unit with an automatic daily recording of a calibration signal . 這種最新儀器包括插入式的法布里-珀羅干涉儀定量部件,可以每天自動記錄一次定量訊號。

Verona escaped, immediately after dinner, with no discussion save an automatic “why don't you ever stay home?“ from babbitt . 剛吃完晚飯,維隆娜就溜了,沒有引起議論,只有巴比特有口無心地說了一句“你干嗎不喜歡呆在家里?”

The fair boy stopped and jerked his stockings with an automatic gesture that made the jungle seem for a moment like the home counties . 金發少年停住腳,自自然然地緊緊襪子。他這動作一時間讓人覺得這孩子好象是在老家一樣。

If the car has an automatic transmission, a “flex plate“ and the torque converter attached to it function similarly . 如果汽車安裝有一臺自動換擋變速器,則可在汽車上安裝“撓性板”和液力變矩器,其功能是相似的。

Recent activity in the field of guided missile development has underlined the importance of self-contained automatic navigation system . 在導彈發展領域中,最近的活動強調自足式自動導航系統的重要性。

Her medical qualifications gave her stature and an automatic right to be heard on the subject of prescription drugs . 她過去行醫的資歷使她享有一種地位,在藥物方面,人們不能對她的看法充耳不聞。

Energizing the machine “start“ switch places the machine in an automatic single cycle operation that completes the element assembly . 開動機器,進行一次自動循環運轉就完成極群組的鑄焊。

Commander and pilot could sit back in their seats with arms folded, because the landing is entirely automatic . 機長和駕駛員這時盡可以靠在椅子上坐享其成,因為著陸動作完全是自動的。

He coughed quietly, gingerly, and dabbed the pads slowly at this lips with a distaste that had become automatic . 他小心地輕輕咳嗽,厭煩起來便情不自禁地用簿子慢慢地拍拍咀唇。

An automatic picture processor which is going to simulate human response must be able to perform these operations . 一臺要模擬人的機能的自動圖片處理機必須能夠進行這樣的操作。

It has left an automatic messenger behind to await the possible awakening of an advanced civilization . 它身后留下了一種自動信息通訊裝置,以等待高級文明的可能的萌發。

The engine and motor are coupled to the wheels through clutches, and automatic gearbox, and hy-vo chains . 發動機和電動機經離合器自動變速齒輪箱和Hy-Vo鏈與車輪連接。

Geneen seemed to have an automatic sensor which told him when he was getting flaky answers . 吉寧就好像有一個自動傳感器,當得到不可靠的答案時傳感器就會向他通報。

The value of automatic controller is found in their ability to provide the desired environmental conditions . 自動控制器的優越性在于它能提供所需要的環境條件。

It must be realised that automatic recording and analysis of results cannot go totally unmonitored . 必須認識到,成果的自動記錄與分析都不能不進行監視。

The deafening music of the automatic organ screened our conversation from the rest . 自動樂器震耳欲聾的樂曲聲掩蓋了我們的談話,使旁人聽不清楚。