
autolysis n.【生物化學】自溶,自體溶解。


The article mainly studied and analyzed the chemical structure and conponents of yeast , pointed out that the way that yeast autolysis combined together with both breaking - wall in temperature difference and high - pressure homogenization can be used to promot the inside things from waste yeast cell and enhance the extract rate , thus searched for the technology in higher extraction rate 摘要主要研究分析了酵母化學結構與組成,提出了酵母自溶、溫差破壁、高壓均漿三者相結合的方法來促進酵母內容物溶出提高抽提率,探索抽提率比較高的工藝流程。

In the preparation of microscope slides , the process by which tissues are rapidly killed and preserved by chemicals to prevent decay or autolysis with minimal distortion of structure 在制備顯微鏡切片的過程中,通過固定,在將對植物組織結構的破壞降至最低程度的基礎上,采用化學物質將細胞迅速殺死并保存,以阻止組織腐爛或自溶。

The effect of adding neutral protease , papain and - glucanase on yeast autolysis were studied 摘要研究了外加中性蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶和-卜葡聚糖酶對酵母自溶的影響。

Autolysis conditions of tilapia byproduct proteins 羅非魚下腳料自溶條件的初步探討

Their excellent survival during autolysis in vitro and ischaemia in vivo is consistent with this . 與此一致是,在體外自溶時和在體內局部貧血時,它們出色地幸存下來。

Early rigor mortis and rapid autolysis indicate the need for prompt necropsy examinations . 早期尸僵和迅速自溶解提醒必須迅速進行剖檢。

Necropsy of the fetus reveals autolysis which is nonspecific . 胎兒尸檢顯示非特異性自溶現象。