
autocrat n.1.獨裁君主,專制君主;獨裁者。2.專橫霸道的人。


The power to make decisions has remained an absolute one , though the autocrat could exercise the power every day whereas the whole population do so only once in four years 則是一樣的。盡管一人做主所行使的做主權力天天都存在,而全民做主則只是四年行使一次權力,但所行使的權力也是絕對的。

Its another autocrat , he concluded , with a victorious smile 他說完之后,露出得勝的微笑。

It is a cunning device to supersede the aristocracy, and make the king sole and absolute autocrat . 這是一種要把貴族政治一筆勾銷,而把國王變成唯一、絕對的專制統制者的狡猾詭計。

The nobles tried to limit the powers of the autocrat without success . 貴族企圖限制專制君主的權力,但沒有成功。

Republican in title he was, but an autocrat at heart . 他名義上是共和主義者,但內里卻是個專制君主。

It seems to me that you talk like a great autocrat . 你說話活象個專制的暴君。