
autoclave n.壓熱器,高壓消毒鍋,高壓蒸鍋。vt.用高壓鍋消毒[烹...

autoclave treatment

Autoclaved lime - sand brick 蒸壓灰砂磚

Method for determination of the adhesion of autoclave tape to tray wrap material 用于盤碟包裝材料的熱壓帶粘合力的測定方法

Determination of moisture content of autoclaved aerated concrete ; german version en 1353 : 1996 高壓蒸氣加氣混凝土濕度測定

Cone closure autoclave 錐形密封式高壓釜

Standard specification for reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete elements 增強的熱壓處理過的加氣混凝土構件的標準規范

Magnetic driven autoclaves 磁力驅動反應釜

The autoclaved material has an excellent combination of strength and density 該高壓材料是一種強度和密度的完美結合。

Agitated leaching autoclave 攪拌浸出高壓釜

Specification for masonry units - autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units 圬工單位規范.高壓蒸氧加氣混凝土圬工單位

Biotechnology - performance criteria for steam sterilizers and autoclaves 生物技術.蒸汽滅菌器和高壓釜性能規范

Good temperature resistance , withstand autoclave and repeating machine wash ,經得起高壓滅菌以及機器重覆之清洗

Special masonry mortar and plaster mortar for autoclaved aerated concrete 蒸壓加氣混凝土用砌筑砂漿與抹面砂漿

Autoclaved aerated concrete slabs 蒸壓加氣混凝土板

Determination of the compressive strength of autoclaved aerated concrete 高壓蒸氧加氣混凝土抗壓強度的測定

Ham sausage autoclaved ham sausage 火腿腸高溫蒸煮腸

Inspecting method for sterilizing effect of automated autoclave sterilizer 壓力蒸汽滅菌器滅菌效果檢驗方法

Centrifugal autoclaved concrete pile 離心蒸壓混凝土樁

Autoclaves for sterilization in laboratories - guide to maintenance 實驗室高壓滅菌釜.第4部分:維修指南

Surveillance of sterilizing effect of autoclaves in sihui 2004年高壓蒸汽滅菌器滅菌效果監測結果分析