
autobiography n.自傳;自傳文學。

“ congwen autobiography “ is the elaboration of congwen twenty years ' life in the 1930s 摘要《從文自傳》是作家沈從文在20世紀30年代對自己20年人生的總結。

That is faith . you may remember that my autobiography , “ my journey “ starts with the sentence , 有人或會記得我上一本書,是我的自傳開首第一句我說:

At any rate , here it is , the title of my autobiography is , “ my journey . 現在是時候告訴別人我的故事了,我自傳的名字是我的旅程


In his late years , the main works were finished by his secretary when he say it out , it was called autobiography 晚年重要著作是由他口授、由他的秘書筆錄的《自傳》 。

There is a story in the book of paramahansa yogananda . have you read that book , the autobiography of a yogi 在瑜珈之這本書里曾提到一個故事,你們看過這本書嗎?

Judging from what she wrote in her autobiography , she always had mixed feelings for that pianist 從她的自傳可以斷定,她對那名鋼琴師始終懷有著一種復雜的感情。

Together this series is among the most moving and accomplished autobiographies - in - paint 總的來講,這一系列中的作品屬于銷售量最好以及手筆最嫻熟的自傳體油畫。

“ congwen autobiography “ is the elaboration of congwen twenty years ' life in the 1930s 摘要《從文自傳》是作家沈從文在20世紀30年代對自己20年人生的總結。

As we approach christmas , we re continuing our series of messages based on the title of my autobiography , 我剛參加了旅游團,那是穿梭美國城市的旅程。

That is faith . you may remember that my autobiography , “ my journey “ starts with the sentence , 有人或會記得我上一本書,是我的自傳開首第一句我說:

In his autobiography he simply exaggerates about his defects and goes on talking about them 在他的自傳里他只是夸大了他的缺點和繼續談論它們。

Do not think of your cover letter as an autobiography ; it should be brief and to the point 不要把簡歷首頁認為是自傳書,它應該是簡明扼要的。

Should a tree write its autobiography it would not be unlike the history of a race 如若一棵樹能寫出自傳,那必將無異于一部種族的歷史。

At any rate , here it is , the title of my autobiography is , “ my journey . 現在是時候告訴別人我的故事了,我自傳的名字是我的旅程

The autobiography of the general was so attractive that i read it three times 將軍的自傳非常吸引人,以至于我讀了三遍。

The autobiography of a slander 誹謗者自傳

Autobiography and selected essays 自傳和散文選

The old man spent most of his twilight years working on his autobiography 老人暮年的大部分時間都在寫他的自傳。

David the autobiography ofa king 一個國王的自傳