
authorization n.1.授權,委任。2.認可,核準。短語和例子witho...


Authorization . repeat : command code yellow , author authorization 黃色警戒,重復黃色警戒

Authorization , implementation , and report on push system 推式系統中的授權執行和報告活動

And the authorization level application or container )和認證級別(應用程序或容器) 。

He has no authorization to act on our behalf 他沒有代表我們做事的授權

Do you have authorization to kill me , croft 你有被授權處決我嗎, croft

The authorization for surgery . read it , then sign 這是同意手術的單子.看看,然后簽個名

Authentication and authorization in the . net framework > . net framework中的身份驗證和授權

Gets or sets the scope name for the authorization store 獲取或設置授權存儲區的范圍名。

Authorization behavior on file system web sites 文件系統網站上的授權行為

The notice of authorization was gazetted 有關批準方案的公告刊登于憲報。

Includes the netscape client - authorization extension 包括netscape客戶端身份驗證擴展。

[ pi lot ] com mand code yel low . hold for authorization 黃色警戒,停止開火,等候命令

The authorization of the mass ' s interest and its consequence 大眾趣味的權力化及其后果

Did they have proper hyperspace authorization 他們有多維空間使用許可嗎?

Scheme amendment of scheme authorization of scheme 方案修訂方案批準方案

Java security , part 2 : authentication and authorization Java安全性第二部分認證與授權

845 price authorization acknowledgment status transaction set 價格審定情況事務處理組

On whose authority ? - ciassified . level six authorization 誰的授權? -機密, 6級授權

In terms of encryption , authentication , and authorization 根據加密、認證和授權嗎?