
author n.1.著者,作家。2.著作物,作品。3.創造者;發起人...

Many authors have used the term “association“ for dominance-type . 有許多學者把優勢度類型叫做“群叢”。

author catalog

Sauk center, population 3, 750, has taken the author to its heart . 如今,索克森特三千七百五十個居民非常珍視這位作家。

He seems to think that because he is a famous author he can get away with murder ! 他似乎自以為是名作家便可免遭異議。

The authors noted that urban-rural differences were widespread throughout iowa . 作者指出,城鄉差別遍及整個衣阿華州。

New england authors did not always confine themselves to their own rules . 新英蘭的作家并非永遠嚴守他們自己的戒條。

Some authors make thorough mental preparation before they put pen to paper . 有些作者在下筆之前已經完全打好了腹稿。

Ben was afraid of being named as the author of the offensive letters . 本明擔心會查出這些諷刺文章的真正作者就是他。

Several long passages in this textbook have been cribed from other authors . 此教科書中有幾大段是剽竊其它作者的。

Underlying his writing is a contempt of the author for his audience . 在其作品的表相下面,含有作者對讀者的蔑視。

Sellers is too much a projection of the author to engage his wrath . 塞勒斯太象著者自己,對他攻擊不能過于猛烈。

The spirit of the person in a sense is the author of his body . 一個人的精神,在某種意義上說,是他身體的主宰。

The book 's weakness is the author 's inability to sustain an argument . 該書的缺點在于作者未能把論證展開。

The editors have normalized the author 's rather unusual spelling . 編輯已將作者不太規范的拼寫改正過來。

Many authors have used the term “association“ for dominance-type . 有許多學者把優勢度類型叫做“群叢”。

The main body of the book deals with the author 's political career . 書中主要部分有關作者的政治生涯。

Americans were urged to forget europe, to be native authors . 他們要美國人忘記歐洲,作本鄉本土的作家。

This explanatory note seems to be closer to what is ment by the author . 這樣注解比較切近作者原意。

We can pick out recurring themes in an author 's work . 我們能領會出作者作品中反復出現的主題思想。

The author has used house screen with good success . 作者曾使用過家庭用的帷帳,收到了很好的效果。