
aurelius n.奧里留斯〔121-180,羅馬皇帝兼哲學家〕。

Marcus aurelius , the roman emperor and the philosopher said it this way : “ we become what our thoughts indicate day by day . 奧熱流,羅馬皇帝兼哲學家他這樣說:每一天我們都變成我們思想所指示的。


Being forced by the senate to assume the government of the state after the death of the deified pius , marcus made his brother his colleague in the empire , giving him the name lucius aurelius verus commodus and bestowing on him the titles caesar and augustus 皮烏斯死后被奉為神圣,而馬爾庫斯被元老院強行推上皇位,他任命他的兄弟作為同事,給他改名為盧修斯?奧利留斯?維魯斯?康茂德,而且授予他愷撒和奧古斯都的稱號。

The number of legions gradually rose to 30 and with one minor fluctuation under marcus aurelius it remained at that level until septimius severus , who raised another 3 軍團的數目逐步增加到30個,除了在馬克?奧雷利烏斯治下曾有過小的波動以外,其數目一直維持如此,直至塞普提米烏斯?塞維魯斯時期,他又征募了另外3個軍團

She may be faustina , wife of the emperor and stoic philosopher marcus aurelius , according to angela marinazzo , director of the provincial archaeological museum in brindisi 布林迪斯地方考古博物館的館長安吉拉?瑪里拉佐認為她可能是福斯蒂娜,馬可?奧勒利烏斯的妻子。奧勒利烏斯是國王也是斯多葛派哲學家。

Now if these princes had been as a trajan , or a marcus aurelius , a man might have thought that this had proceeded of an abundant goodness of nature 假如這些君王是圖拉真或馬喀斯?奧瑞利亞斯一流的,那末我們可以認為像上述的舉動乃是出自十分良善的心田的。

The roman aurelius cassiodorus rendered a few parts of the greek works on mathematics and astronomy in his own poor version 羅馬人aurelius cassiodorus用蹩腳的譯文翻出了一小部分希臘數學和天文學著作。

Marcus aurelius , enacting good laws in order that he might be virtuous , is not an attractive figure 馬史?奧理略制定了好的法律,以為這樣可以成為一個有德行的人,但他并沒有成為一個有吸引力的人物。

Marcus aurelius , the roman emperor and the philosopher said it this way : “ we become what our thoughts indicate day by day . 奧熱流,羅馬皇帝兼哲學家他這樣說:每一天我們都變成我們思想所指示的。

Beauty be sacred - the new view on the aesthetic ideology of aurelius augustinus 奧古斯丁美學思想新論

Marcus aurelius : oh , commodus , you go too far 馬庫斯:哦,科莫多斯,你太過火了。