
aural 短語和例子aural1adj.1.氣味的,香味的;氣氛的...


Acoustics - reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and supra - aural earphones 聲學.音響設備校正基準零點.純音和超聽覺耳機用基準等效閾值聲壓級

It was secular and non - judgmental : a kind of aural hug , perhaps all the more consolatory for coming from a stranger 這是一種長期的關愛,無需別人做出判斷其正確與否:一種聆聽給人的力量,也許一位陌生人的聆聽更能帶給人心靈上的慰籍。

Any remaining places will then be open to other trainees who are not sitting for the abrsm examinations , but wish to receive grade 6 to grade 8 aural training 如有馀額,則可供沒有報名考試,但欲接受6至8級聽音訓練的學員參加。

An acceptable general noise level is achieved by careful acoustic control to provide aural privacy and mask intrusive noise 一個可以接受的常規噪音水平可以通過精心的聲學控制來實現,從而降低噪音并提供一個聽覺方面的私人空間。

Electroacoustics - audiometric equipment - part 5 : instruments for the measurement of aural acoustic impedance admittance iec 60645 - 5 : 2004 ; german version en 60645 - 5 : 2005 電聲學.聽力測定設備.第5部分:聽覺聲阻抗導納測量用

Discuss your approach to the development of sight - reading and aural ability and the ways in which these skills are of benefit to the complete musician 討論您如何訓練學生的視奏和聽覺能力,以及這些能力對演奏者來有何幫助。

Gregorian chant also appears to have been an aural music , that is , transmitted by ear and committed to memory - like other music of the world at the time 格立高音樂也像同時期其他音樂一樣曾是聽覺音樂? ?通過耳朵聽而記憶。

Electroacoustics - simulators of human head and ear - part 1 : ear simulator for the calibration of supra - aural earphones iec 60318 - 1 : 1998 ; german version en 60318 - 1 : 1998 電聲學.人的頭和耳的模擬器.第1部分:耳廓上面頭帶式

Aural style sheets use a combination of speech synthesis and sound effects to make the user listen to information , instead of reading information 聲音樣式表使用了結合演講與聲音的效果來讓用戶可以聽信息而不必閱讀信息。

A : the elementary , intermediate , and advanced levels of the musicianship course and aural training course are offered free of charge 答:初中高級音樂通識課程及聽音課程均為免費課程5級及8級樂理課程則為收費課程。

Description : a system for the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli ( usually aural ) with different frequencies and waveforms 描述:一個同時應用不同頻率和電波形式來進行多種刺激(通常是聽覺)的系統。

Electroacoustics - simulators of human head and ear - part 1 : ear simulator for the calibration of supra - aural earphones 電聲學.人的頭和耳的模擬器.第1部分:耳模擬器用超級聽力耳機的校正

Aural presentation occurs often by converting the document to plain text and then feeding this to a screen reader 音頻通常通過將文檔轉化為無格式文本,并將它輸入一個屏幕瀏覽器中產生。

Electroacoustics . simulators of human head and ear . part 1 : ear simulator for the calibration of supra - aural earphones 電聲學.人頭部和耳朵模擬器.第1部分:超音響耳機校準用耳朵模擬器

Electroacoustics - audiometric equipment - part 5 : instruments for the measurement of aural acoustic impedance admittance 電聲學.聽力測定設備.第5部分:聽覺聲阻抗導納測量用設備

The aural rendering of a document combines sounds and voices to go through the content of a document 對文檔的音頻描述包含自然聲音和人為發出的聲音,它貫穿于整個文本的內容。

Q : can non - music office trainees enrol in the musicianship course , music theory course , and aural training course 問:非音樂事務處學員可否參加音樂通識樂理或聽音課程?

Electroacoustics - simulators of human head and ear - ear simulator for the calibration of supra - aural earphones 電聲學.人頭和耳模擬器.超級聽力耳機校正用耳模擬器

I ' m - nterested in why he is arrested while resting in aural 36831407 estaurant in th 593332306 e forest 我對他為何在森林里的香味餐館歇息的時候被捕感興趣。