augustan adj.1.古羅馬皇帝奧 古斯都凱撒的;奧古斯都時代的。...
adj. 1.古羅馬皇帝奧 古斯都凱撒的;奧古斯都時代的。 2.文藝全盛期的;古典的。 3.【英史】安妮女王時代的。 n. 奧古斯都時代的作家;文藝全盛時期的作家。 “augustan age“ 中文翻譯: 文學的黃金時代。 “augusta-bell“ 中文翻譯: 奧古斯塔貝爾“augustana“ 中文翻譯: 瀑布; 伊利諾伊斯落基島“augusta, maine“ 中文翻譯: 奧古斯塔 (緬因州)“augustana (synod“ 中文翻譯: 奧斯堡議會“augusta, georgia“ 中文翻譯: 奧古斯塔“augustana college“ 中文翻譯: 奧古斯特那學院; 瑪麗維爾學院; 位于蘇族瀑布市的奧古斯塔納學院“augusta viktoria of schleswig-holstein“ 中文翻譯: 奧古斯塔維多莉亞“augustana college(sd)“ 中文翻譯: 奧古斯塔納學院“augusta victoria“ 中文翻譯: 奧古斯塔維多利亞
And frost wrote the extravagant words about the “ next augustan age , “ as if by proclaiming them he could help it come into being , could substantiate it 佛洛斯特用華麗的詞藻描述下一個奧古斯汀的時代,好像憑著他的宣布,他能有助于時代的來臨,能夠使它實現。 |
augustan age |
And when the decision had been made that we were to go by sea to italy , they gave paul and certain other prisoners into the care of a captain named julius , of the augustan band 有一只亞大米田的船、要沿著亞西亞一帶地方的海邊走、我們就上了那船開行、有馬其頓的帖撒羅尼迦人、亞里達古、和我們同去。 |
And frost wrote the extravagant words about the “ next augustan age , “ as if by proclaiming them he could help it come into being , could substantiate it 佛洛斯特用華麗的詞藻描述下一個奧古斯汀的時代,好像憑著他的宣布,他能有助于時代的來臨,能夠使它實現。 |
Acts 27 : 1 and when it was decided that we should sail to italy , they delivered paul and some other prisoners to a centurion named julius of the augustan cohort 徒二七1他們既定規了,叫我們坐船往義大利去,就將保羅和別的囚犯,交給御營里一個名叫猶流的百夫長。 |
Acts 27 : 1 and when it was decided that we should sail to italy , they delivered paul and some other prisoners to a centurion named julius of the augustan cohort 徒二七1他們既定規了,叫我們坐船往義大利去,就將保羅和別的囚犯,交給御營? ? @個名叫猶流的百夫長。 |
And when it was decided that we should sail to italy , they delivered paul and some other prisoners to a centurion named julius of the augustan cohort 1他們既定規了,叫我們坐船往義大利去,就將保羅和別的囚犯,交給御營里一個名叫猶流的百夫長。 |
And again i think we were dealing with augustan propaganda with his ability to rewrite history after the time 我認為我們再一次見識了屋大維的宣傳能力他利用他的能力在改寫他身后的歷史。 |
The augustan age of english literature include the writer dryden , swift and pope 在英國文學的全盛時期里有德萊頓、斯威夫特和蒲柏等文豪。 |
The augustan age of english literature includes the writers dryden , swift and pope 在英國文學的全盛時期有德萊頓,斯威夫特和蒲柏等文豪 |