
august n.1.奧古斯特〔男子名〕。2.八月。

Saturday afternoon before easter in the grocery business is what my august and illiterate son would call “for the birds“ . 復活節前禮拜六下午食品雜貨鋪的生意,如果用我那粗野而神氣活現的寶貝兒子的話來說,等于是“扯淡”。

The “hobby-computer“ market was revealed at the atlantic-city conference in august 1976 . 1976年8月舉行的大西洋城市會議上出現了“業余愛好者計算機”市場。

During august our doom appeared to some giddy western journalists “a question of days. “ 八月間,在西方某些輕率的記者看來,我們的毀滅似乎“指日可待”。


43792 requests since tuesday 02 august , 2005 43540次瀏覽,自從2005年八月02日周二

43677 requests since tuesday 02 august , 2005 43564次瀏覽,自從2005年八月02日周二

43680 requests since tuesday 02 august , 2005 43569次瀏覽,自從2005年八月02日周二

Report on currency board operations 30 july 30 august 2005 外匯基金諮詢委員會于

The mayor, impressed by the august presence of the minister of the interior, made according to french practice a speech which he sought to render eloquent . 市長由于內務部長大駕光臨而感到榮幸,于是便按照法國的習慣發表了一篇演說,竭力表現自己的口才。

He peeked out at major de coverley for hours and marveled that someone so august had nothing more important to do . 他偷偷看著德科弗利少校,一看就是幾小時,象德科弗利少校這樣威風凜凜的人竟沒有更為重要的事情可做,這一點他真覺得十分奇怪。

How many times on heat-heavy august days have i stood on this rise looking out over the wooded landscape toward the camden hills ? 在八月間那溽暑蒸人的日子里,我曾經多少次站在這座土丘上,透過萬木蔥蘢的風景區眺望康登山脈啊!

Saturday afternoon before easter in the grocery business is what my august and illiterate son would call “for the birds“ . 復活節前禮拜六下午食品雜貨鋪的生意,如果用我那粗野而神氣活現的寶貝兒子的話來說,等于是“扯淡”。

Against this background, an unprecedented number of acts of violence broke out along the cease-fire line beginning on 5 august 1965 . 在這種背景下,一九六五年八月五日開始,在停火線上空前頻繁地發生暴力行動。

August winds lifted him up so he could inspect it more closely, before slipping gracefully into the chair beside his childhood friend . 桂風把他抱起來,讓他看個仔細,然后非常瀟灑地悄悄坐到他童年朋友的旁邊。

Wilson went before a joint session of congress on august 27, 1913, explained his mediation proposal and huerta's rebuff . 威爾遜于1913年8月27日到國會兩院聯席會議去解釋他的調停建議和烏厄塔的斷然漠視。

An aged priestly warrior towered up, august and formidable, with his hand upon his dagger . 一個上了年紀的和尚模樣的戰士,屹然而立,雄赳赳的,容貌可畏,一只手放在他的短劍之上。

Terminal growth will stop on delicious soon after application whereas growth will continue to august on young trees . 元帥用后頂端生長很快停止,但其幼樹可繼續生長到8月。

The sense of the might and willpower of the american nation streamed up to me from the august assembly . 從這個莊嚴的集會中,我不斷地意識到美國這個國家的能力和意志力。

I have been struck by the fact that no crude truth is allowed to penetrate within those august portals . 使我驚訝的是不讓赤裸裸的事實進入森嚴的法院大門的這一事實。

As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on august 10 , 1628 , stockholm was in a ferment . 1628年8月10日,當這艘船準備首次出航時,斯德哥爾摩沉浸在激動的氣氛中。