
augmentation n.1.擴大,增加。2.增加物。3.【音樂】增音。4.【...


Almost all the augmentation techniques are used to vary the local behavior of heat transfer so as to improve the whole performance 傳熱強化的途徑是依靠各種強化技術來改變熱量在空間內的輸運過程,通常是通過設計熱過程的局部行為而實現整體性能的強化。

Over the past 20 years , with the augmentation of the state financial resources , the special aid - the - poor funds arranged by the chinese government have constantly increased 近20年來,隨著國家財力的增強,中國政府安排的專項扶貧投入不斷增加。

If you or someone you know is considering breast augmentation surgery , please seek professional medical advice for the risks and benefits of this type of surgery 如果你或你知道有人正在考慮隆胸手術,請尋求專業醫療咨詢的風險和收益這種手術

Currently , my code is rather inefficient and does the post twice - once for the html result and once for any xml clue augmentation (目前,我的代碼效率還很差,它發送了兩遍post ,一次用于請求html結果,一次用于請求所有的xml線索參數。

Likewise , doing several procedures simultaneously - - such as a tummy tuck , liposuction and breast augmentation - - significantly increases the risk 同樣的,同時進行幾個手術? ?如抽脂術,皮下脂肪切除術,隆胸術? ?顯著的增加了手術風險。

This is a very unique profession in that it produces two types of gains , new gear for accessory slots and augmentation of existing gear 這是一個非常特殊的專業,它可以提供兩部分價值:制造一些裝飾品部位的物品和提升已經得到的物品。

The purpose is to introduce a new and applied technique to design and manufacture implant for false object augmentation based on cad / cam / re technology 摘要將cad / re以及模具技術應用于醫學整形,是機械工程與生命科學工程的交叉研究。

However some social groups within centaurus space , mistrusting the augmentation of their natural biology , rebel against biogen treatment 在半人馬座空間內的一些社會團體雖然不相信他們的自然生物的增加,但是仍然反對生命素治療法。

Upon her recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have a face lift , liposuction , breast augmentation , and a tummy tuck 手術康復后,她決定先不出院,而是做了一系列其他的手術:面部拉皮,抽脂,隆胸和腹部除皺。

The research team also analyzed a group of 16 , 000 women who had undergone plastic surgery procedures other than breast augmentation 研究者還分析了一組多達16 , 000的女性人群,她們也接受了整形手術但不包括隆胸術。

But if the physician recommends a nose job or a breast augmentation when you haven ' t even mentioned it , i would be extremely wary 但是如果當你沒有提到時,這個醫生推薦一個鼻子或者胸部的收拾,我將會非常的警惕。

Application of technology on augmentation of heat transfer in the grinding contact zone with radial jet impinging in creep feed grinding 緩進給磨削時磨削弧區徑向射流沖擊強化換熱技術的應用

Biomechanical efficacy of calcium phosphate cement in augmentation and restoration of anterior cervical unicorti - cal screw fixation 磷酸鈣骨水泥加固頸椎前路單皮質骨螺釘的生物力學研究

This is essentially client - driven augmentation , where annotations exist only to support pointcuts 該元素實質上是客戶驅動的參數,其中,注釋只是為了支持切入點而存在。

Augmentation and restoration of pedicle screw fixation by calcium phosphate cement : an in vitro biomechanical study 磷酸鈣骨水泥強化和修復椎弓根螺釘的生物力學研究

This paper introduces the design of special equipment tracking system ( sets ) , an augmentation to his 摘要介紹了特殊耗材監管系統( sets )的設計理念和具體方案。

Histological evaluation of calcium phosphate cement in augmentation of femoral neck fracture fixation 磷酸鈣骨水泥對股骨頸骨折內固定輔強作用的組織學評價

A group augmentation that increases maximum health and physical resistance of the templar ' s group 提升群體的最大血量,和物理抗性(防御? ) ,熟練3 !

Augmentation of technical training and contest and promotion of quality of staff and workers 加強崗位練兵技術比武提高職工隊伍整體素質