
augite n.【礦物】(普通)輝石。


The rock texture , mineral occurence feature , ore electronmagnetic milling and applied possibilities in ceramics and glass of the jadeite metamorphic aegirine - augite nepheline syenite in suizhou , hubei were studied . the results show that the ore deposit combines the advantages of mining and milling , and the finished ore by single electronmagnetic milling may be fully utilized as the raw materials for ceramics and glasses . meanwhile , another important fact is that the compositon with 90 percent raw ore may be manufactured into the wall and floor tiles with glaze , which was affirmed by a lot of experiment research 隨州硬玉質變霓霞正長巖的巖石組織結構、礦物賦存狀態、礦石可選性和玻璃陶瓷原料應用試驗研究表明:該資源具有易采易選兩大優點,礦石經單一磁選的精礦可作玻璃和陶瓷的原料;同時已反復試驗證實該資源可燒成原礦用量達90的釉面墻地磚。

Pyroxene is exclusively diopsidic augite , with a composition relatively close to the diopside - hedenbergite join 所有輝石是透輝石質普通輝石,其成分相對近于透輝石- -鎂鐵輝石。