
audience n.1.聽眾;觀眾;讀者。2.謁見;接見。3.傾聽;聽取...

audience chamber

We scraped together an audience of fifty for the play . 我們張羅來五十個觀眾看這出戲。

His speech made a strong impression on the audience . 他的演說給聽眾留下了深刻的印象。

A large silent audience has gathered, after all . 一大群沉默無言的聽眾終于聚集起來了。

The only audience at the concert was the baby . 這支協奏曲的唯一聽眾,就是那個嬰孩兒。

His manner prejudiced his audience in favor of him ... 他的態度使聽眾對他發生了好感。

The audience broke into loud cheers . 觀眾連聲叫好。

He did not confuse audiences by silly subtleties . 他不用無聊的微妙言辭搞糊涂聽眾。

He sang so badly that the audience booed him . 他唱得實在太糟糕以致聽眾向他喝倒彩。

The new play is fetching large audience every night . 這新歌劇每天都吸引許多聽眾。

His audience was splitting up . 他的聽眾分成了兩半兒。

The audience roared at the farce . 鬧劇使觀眾哄堂大笑。

How large do you make the audience ? 你估計聽眾有多少?

The audience stood up all together . 觀眾同時都起立了。

The comedian really knocked the audience dead . 那位喜劇演員真是使觀眾五體投地。

Many members of our audience may not realize that . 我們有許多觀眾恐怕也不了解。

When the boxers clinched, the audience hissed . 拳擊手互相扭住時,觀眾發出噓聲。

The audience watched the performance with growing fascination . 觀眾越看越著迷。

The audience lapped up his monologue . 聽眾傾聽他的獨白。

He turned suddenly to the audience . 他猛地轉向圍觀的人。