
auden n.奧登〔姓氏〕。

“ this study raises concern about the relationship between the products that promote alcohol brands and early - onset teen drinking , “ said auden mcclure , clinical instructor in pediatrics at dartmouth medical school and lead author of the study 負責這一研究的美國達特茅斯醫學院臨床兒科講師奧頓麥克魯爾說: “這一研究使得家長們更加關注酒類宣傳品與青少年飲酒問題之間的聯系。

W . h auden wrote , “ evil is always unspectacular , and always human . it shares our bed , ad eats at our table . 邪惡并不那么與眾不同,它混在我們當中,睡在我們床上,跟我們一同吃飯


“ this study raises concern about the relationship between the products that promote alcohol brands and early - onset teen drinking , “ said auden mcclure , clinical instructor in pediatrics at dartmouth medical school and lead author of the study 負責這一研究的美國達特茅斯醫學院臨床兒科講師奧頓麥克魯爾說: “這一研究使得家長們更加關注酒類宣傳品與青少年飲酒問題之間的聯系。

Wilbur : the episcopal church has the best liturgy in christendom , even after those recent revisions which caused auden to say that [ end page 42 ] the church was throwing away its treasure 圣公會的禮拜儀式在基督教各教派中是最好的,即便是在近年做了被奧登稱做是在扔掉教會珍寶的修改之后。

In auden ' s poem , surgeons manage it “ making a primary incision ” , as do cooks , mixing their sauce , and clerks “ completing a bill of lading ” 在奧登的詩中,外科醫生能夠成功的切一個主要的口子,就像廚師能夠成功的調醬、簿記員能夠成功的填好提單一樣。

Auden , writer christopher isherwood , and other left - wing poets , macneice was as mistrustful of political programs as he was of philosophical systems 他寫道, “我對政治的忠誠不在我的心中,也不在我的整個軀體之內。 ”

I once showed a williams poem to auden , and asked him if he could hear it ; he said that it did not speak to his english ear 有一次我拿一首威廉斯的詩給奧登看,問他能不能聽出聲音上的特點,他說他的英國耳朵聽不出來。

Tk : i think it was auden who said we never finish a poem , we just abandon it , and that ' s a wise observation 我想是奧登說的,我們從未完成一首詩,我們只是把它放棄,那是明智的觀察。

Poet w . h . auden wrote : evil is unspectacular and always human , and shares our bed and eats at our own table 詩人說:惡魔通常都不引人注意,而且就在人類中間,與我們同吃同睡。

Poet w . h . auden wrote : evil is unspectacular and always human , and shares our bed and eats at our own table 詩人說:惡魔通常都不引人注意,而且就在人類中間,與阿拉同吃同睡。

W . h auden wrote , “ evil is always unspectacular , and always human . it shares our bed , ad eats at our table . 邪惡并不那么與眾不同,它混在我們當中,睡在我們床上,跟我們一同吃飯

Don ' t ask what you did to deserve it . i mean , god , read auden 別問你他們為什么要來傷害你,你最好去讀讀奧登的詩

They know the atmosphere of those bleak landscapes so well evoked by auden . 他們熟悉奧登活靈活現描寫過的那種荒涼景象。