audacious adj.1.大膽的。2.厚顏無恥的;魯莽的,蠻橫無禮的。...
adj. 1.大膽的。 2.厚顏無恥的;魯莽的,蠻橫無禮的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “audacious ambition“ 中文翻譯: 狂妄的野心“audacious explorer“ 中文翻譯: 大膽的探險家“bold; audacious“ 中文翻譯: 膽大“audacieuse“ 中文翻譯: 奧達西厄斯“audaci“ 中文翻譯: 奧達奇“audaciously“ 中文翻譯: 大膽地; 無恥地“audace class“ 中文翻譯: 級 驅逐艦“audacity“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.大膽。 2.厚臉,無恥;無禮,魯莽。 have the audacity to (do) 有臉(做)…,竟然敢(做)…,厚顏無恥地…。 “audace“ 中文翻譯: 大膽“audaert“ 中文翻譯: 奧達爾“audabram“ 中文翻譯: 奧達布朗
Ronaldinho ' s blinding pace unhinged england ' s defence in the quarter - finals to set up a goal for rivaldo , and his audacious free - kick caught out david seaman to seal a 2 - 1 victory for brazil . arguably he was the most important component of brazil ' s vaunted “ triple r “ strike - force at those 2002 finals , surging forward from just behind ronaldo and rivaldo and pulling opposing defenders out of position 由此可見,在2002年的那些決賽半決賽和1 4決賽中,他是巴西引以為傲的進攻主力“三r組合”中最重要的一員,他從羅納爾多和里瓦爾多身后脫穎而出,橫掃對方防守隊員。 |
Billy graham was interviewed by a press reporter and the press reporter said to him , “ mr . graham , ive heard many , many preachers better than you . “ quite an audacious statement to have made to mr . graham ! and he said , “ but i want to ask you this question : why has god chosen you to be the evangelist to the world ? 一次一名記者看著葛培理,對他說:葛培理先生,我聽過很多很多比你更出色的講員,向葛培理這樣說是頗為魯莽的,他又說:但我想問,為何?選上你作為世界布道家? |
The author argues that the fact that southern weekendhas transformed to be a “ sharp knife “ of social intendance and a pioneer of enlightenment from an entertainment newspaper owes to its sense of innovation , precise original market orientation in its process of page correcting . southern weekend inherits its merits while making audacious innovations , and it changes with stability and stabilizes with changes . it corrects its pages by making trial changes and it transforms itself by page correcting , gradually gaining its own particular characteristics 文章認為, 《南方周末》能從最初的娛樂休閑報發展為輿論監督之利器,思想啟蒙之先鋒,得益于其改版過程中勇于創新的意識及準確獨到的定位,表現在改版中,既有繼承,又大膽創新,穩中有變,變中求穩,以試版促改版,以改版帶動報紙轉型,逐漸形成報紙主體風格。 |
“ throat is a testament to the way art lays bare what it is to be human , and to the slipperiness and inventive wit of the artist . . . this stylish piece of performance art in motion has to be one of the most tantalising , audacious things going . “ - the scotsman “ 《喉嚨》證明了藝術充滿人性時的表現方法,還證明了藝術家的靈活善變和創造性性的智慧這個時髦的表演藝術必然成為當今最具挑逗性和最大膽的表演” |
Bond soon uncovers an audacious plan to commit “ the crime of the century “ and bring economic chaos to the west 他所用的方法,是把車庫存的黃金儲備,用核子輻射加以污染,詹姆斯邦德的任務是要挽救黃金,并阻止金手指的陰謀。 |
Jpl scientists admit the idea is “ aggressive , even audacious “ , but are convinced that it is both practical and feasible 該實驗室科學家承認,這個想法是“有闖勁的,甚至是大膽的” ,但它既實際又可行,很有說服力。 |
“ you have no warranty for such an audacious doctrine , nor any covenant to support it , “ cried david “你這種狂妄的道理毫無根據,也不會得到任何圣書的支持, ”大衛嚷道。 |
“ you are bold travellers , “ said he , “ and you will succeed in your audacious enterprise . “你們是勇敢的旅行家, ”他開始道, “你們英勇豪邁的事業一定會成功的。 |
“you have no warranty for such an audacious doctrine, nor any covenant to support it,“ cried david . “你這種狂妄的道理毫無根據,也不會得到任何圣書的支持,”大衛嚷道。 |
“you are bold travellers,“ said he, “and you will succeed in your audacious enterprise. “ “你們是勇敢的旅行家,”他開始道,“你們英勇豪邁的事業一定會成功的。 |
audacity |
For who is there who anything of some significance has apprehended but is conscious that that exterior splendour may be the surface of a downwardtending lutulent reality or on the contrary anyone so is there inilluminated as not to perceive that as no nature s boon can contend against the bounty of increase so it behoves every most just citizen to become the exhortator and admonisher of his semblables and to tremble lest what had in the past been by the nation excellently commenced might be in the future not with similar excellence accomplished if an inverecund habit shall have gradually traduced the honourable by ancestors transmitted customs to that thither of profundity that that one was audacious excessively who would have the hardihood to rise affirming that no more odious offence can for anyone be than to oblivious neglect to consign that evangel simultaneously command and promise which on all mortals with prophecy of abundance or with diminution s menace that exalted of reiteratedly procreating function ever irrevocably enjoined 且不論何等蠢人亦應省悟:大自然賜予之所有恩惠,均無法與繁殖之恩惠相比擬,故一切正直之市民皆須對同胞勸誡忠告,并為之焦慮,惟恐本民族過去所開創之輝煌業績,日后不能發揚光大也。倘因風俗之愚昧,對世代相傳之光榮習慣加以輕視,否定其深遠意義,從而對有關分娩作用之崇高要義等閑視之,豈不令人深惡痛絕哉!蓋此要義系天主所做繁殖之預言4及對減少繁衍之警告,并命令全人類遵照行事,使之做出承諾。 |
Mrs . reed was rather a stout woman ; but , on hearing this strange and audacious declaration , she ran nimbly up the stair , swept me like a whirlwind into the nursery , and crushing me down on the edge of my crib , dared me in an emphatic voice to rise from that place , or utter one syllable during the remainder of the day 盡管里德太太的體態有些臃腫,但聽見我這不可思議的大膽宣告,便利索地登登登跑上樓梯,一陣風似地把我拖進保育室,按倒在小床的床沿上,氣勢洶洶地說,諒我那天再也不敢從那里爬起來,或是再吭一聲了。 |
In addition , the concept of scene centriod is introduced to represent video scene by averaging of all key frames inside a group of shots in the given video scene , which makes an audacious attempt for high - level video unit extraction and representation ; 4 ) according to the given sample video , shot and scene - based video retrieval methods are discussed respectively , and the evaluation pricinples are also discussed 進而,討論了由場景中一組鏡頭的關鍵幀的質心表示場景關鍵幀,即場景質心的方法,從而為抽取高層的視頻數據單元做出了大膽的嘗試; d )從給定樣本視頻出發,分別討論了基于鏡頭和場景的視頻檢索方法,并分析了檢索性能評價的準則。 |
Ronaldinho ' s blinding pace unhinged england ' s defence in the quarter - finals to set up a goal for rivaldo , and his audacious free - kick caught out david seaman to seal a 2 - 1 victory for brazil . arguably he was the most important component of brazil ' s vaunted “ triple r “ strike - force at those 2002 finals , surging forward from just behind ronaldo and rivaldo and pulling opposing defenders out of position 由此可見,在2002年的那些決賽半決賽和1 4決賽中,他是巴西引以為傲的進攻主力“三r組合”中最重要的一員,他從羅納爾多和里瓦爾多身后脫穎而出,橫掃對方防守隊員。 |
Billy graham was interviewed by a press reporter and the press reporter said to him , “ mr . graham , ive heard many , many preachers better than you . “ quite an audacious statement to have made to mr . graham ! and he said , “ but i want to ask you this question : why has god chosen you to be the evangelist to the world ? 一次一名記者看著葛培理,對他說:葛培理先生,我聽過很多很多比你更出色的講員,向葛培理這樣說是頗為魯莽的,他又說:但我想問,為何?選上你作為世界布道家? |
The author argues that the fact that southern weekendhas transformed to be a “ sharp knife “ of social intendance and a pioneer of enlightenment from an entertainment newspaper owes to its sense of innovation , precise original market orientation in its process of page correcting . southern weekend inherits its merits while making audacious innovations , and it changes with stability and stabilizes with changes . it corrects its pages by making trial changes and it transforms itself by page correcting , gradually gaining its own particular characteristics 文章認為, 《南方周末》能從最初的娛樂休閑報發展為輿論監督之利器,思想啟蒙之先鋒,得益于其改版過程中勇于創新的意識及準確獨到的定位,表現在改版中,既有繼承,又大膽創新,穩中有變,變中求穩,以試版促改版,以改版帶動報紙轉型,逐漸形成報紙主體風格。 |
We passed iso9001 quality system that ensures the high quality of our products . thanks to our audacious innovation , we quickly grow up in the model industry ; thanks to our market - oriented operations , we bear in mind the concept of engaging in work after being a true man ; thanks to our modesty and honesty , we always hold talks to ex 因恐守舊而創新,在模型界迅速崛起因處事為人符合市場規律,時刻灌輸一種理念:先做人,后做事因謙誠常有感恩座談恩在業主恩在市場恩在同行恩在家庭恩在朋友恩在自我恩在身邊發生的一切。 |
The boy triumphed , and this victory rendered him so audacious , that all the money of assunta , whose affection for him seemed to increase as he became more unworthy of it , was spent in caprices she knew not how to contend against , and follies she had not the courage to prevent 那孩子勝利了,而這次勝利使他變得更加肆無忌憚,以致把愛蘇泰所有有錢都任意揮霍掉了。他愈是不成器,愛蘇泰似乎愈是愛他,她不知道該如何抑制他的任性,也沒有勇氣限止他的放蕩行為。 |
“ throat is a testament to the way art lays bare what it is to be human , and to the slipperiness and inventive wit of the artist . . . this stylish piece of performance art in motion has to be one of the most tantalising , audacious things going . “ - the scotsman “ 《喉嚨》證明了藝術充滿人性時的表現方法,還證明了藝術家的靈活善變和創造性性的智慧這個時髦的表演藝術必然成為當今最具挑逗性和最大膽的表演” |