
attribution n.1.歸屬,歸因。2.屬性。3.〔古語〕職權,權限。


The research advance and future of children ' s attribution of moral emotion 兒童道德情緒歸因研究的進展及未來展望

3 . setting has complex effects on the children ' s communicative attribution 情景對兒童交往歸因的影響復雜相當。

Analysis of attribution model and attribution training of sports technique exercise 動作技術練習的歸因模式分析

Preschoolers ' emotion cognition and attribution under different situations 幼兒對不同情境中的情緒認知及其歸因

Study on attribution of social failure and mental health of college students 大學生社交失敗歸因與心理健康研究

The current situation and prospect of attribution study in physical teaching 體育教學中歸因研究的現狀與展望

Teachers ' corporal punishment : mental harm , attribution manner and countermeasure strategy 歸因方式和對策研究

Application study on attribution theory in volleyball technique teaching 歸因理論在排球技術教學中的應用研究

We license our content as free with attribution back to the odp 我們與歸屬作為免費準許我們的內容回到odp 。

The characteristics of current studies of children ' s communicative attribution 當前兒童交往歸因研究的特點

On the attribution of examinations in college students majoring in mathematics 大學生數學考試成敗歸因研究

Analyses on causal attribution 大學生戀愛心理歸因分析

Should check for unique particle attribution violations when schemas in the 應檢查唯一粒子屬性( upa )沖突。

Attribution theory of responsibility on learning behavior in college students 大學生對學習行為的責任歸因

6 . attribution training can improve the children ' s social statues 歸因訓練能夠改善兒童既有的社交地位。

Internet addiction among adolescents simple attribution analysis 并對青少年網絡成癮進行簡單的歸因分析。

The attribution of employment relationship and its legal regulatory mode 雇傭關系的定位及其法律調整模式

Class specifies unique particle attribution validation options for the 指定唯一粒子屬性( upa )驗證選項。

Should check for unique particle attribution violations ; otherwise , 應檢查唯一粒子屬性( upa )沖突,則為