
attractive adj.1.有吸引力的。2.引人注目的。3.媚人的,俏的...


It was a romantic interest in this attractive and unfortunate young man . 這實際上是對一個不幸的英俊少年所抱的帶有浪漫色彩的興趣。

Livestock products are more attractive among young japanese than older japanese . 畜牧產品在年輕日本人中比在老年日本人中受歡迎。

The massive-head buttress dam has some attractive features for certain locations . 大頭支墩壩對于某些地區仍有其值得注意的特色。

The picturesqueness of the engineer's life was always attractive to presley . 這司機的豐富多彩的生活,始終叫普瑞斯萊醉心。

Japanese love to garden and will soon have their buildings looking attractive . 日本人喜愛園藝,住房將能收拾得美觀悅目。

You are young , intelligent , attractive : you have got a lot going for you ! 你年輕、聰明、漂亮,有很多有利條件!

He knew that some women found him attractive and others did not . 他知道,有些女人覺得他很有魅力,有些卻不以為然。

To begin with, of course, the doctor does seem an attractive figure . 當然,一開頭醫生看起來是個引人注目的人物。

Women attuned to sensitive men found vincent lord attractive . 偏愛敏感男子的女人,覺得文森特洛德具有魅力。

She is very pretty, in her own style, and very attractive . 她長得十分美麗,自有一種風度,而且十分有吸引力。

The method is especially attractive for gauging natural streams . 該方法對于測量天然的流注具有特殊的吸引力。

Last year's sheddings from the tree do not form an attractive garland . 用去年的落葉是編不出美麗的花環的。

Besides, cowperwood by degrees was becoming attractive to her . 而且,柯柏烏漸漸變得對她具有吸引力了。

He was, for the order of intellect represented, attractive . 就其能表現的知識程度看來,倒也有些動人。

There is something attractive about the beatnik fashion . 這種“垮掉的一代”的作風,自有其可愛之處。

She needs the right clothes, and a few attractive mannerisms . 她需要合適的衣服,一些吸引人的風度。

Their breezy, outgoing personalities were strong and attractive . 她們活潑開朗的性格是堅強可愛的。

The payback on such items can be surprisingly attractive . 在這些項目上的得益是相當吸引人的。

He was clean-shaven, and his mouth was very attractive . 他的臉刮得很干凈,口角很富有誘惑力。