
attraction n.1.引,吸引;【物理學】引力。2.魅力。3.引人注意...

A body subjected to gravitational attraction by the earth and orbiting the latter according to the law of celestial mechanics must be termed a “celestial body“ . 一個受到地球引力吸引,并按照天體力學定律環繞地球運轉的物體必須叫做“天體”。

Electronic change that is “behind“ the nuclei exerts a greater attraction on the nucleus that is nearer to it than on the other nucleus . 在核“背后”的電子荷對與它靠近的核的吸引作用,比對另一個核大。


A body subjected to gravitational attraction by the earth and orbiting the latter according to the law of celestial mechanics must be termed a “celestial body“ . 一個受到地球引力吸引,并按照天體力學定律環繞地球運轉的物體必須叫做“天體”。

Moreover, as i was forced to own to myself even now in the sober light of day, the woman had attractions that i could not forget . 更何況,我此刻仍不得不承認即使在令人神志清醒的陽光之下,我也難以忘懷那個女人身上的魅力。

He is ceremonious, stately, most polite on every occasion to my lady, and holds her personal attractions in the highest estimation . 他彬彬有禮,神氣十足,無論什么時候,總是對我的夫人殷殷勤勤,對她的魅力推崇備至。

Electronic change that is “behind“ the nuclei exerts a greater attraction on the nucleus that is nearer to it than on the other nucleus . 在核“背后”的電子荷對與它靠近的核的吸引作用,比對另一個核大。

Her attraction seemed to be in this soft passivity, in the feeling she gave that to pressure she must yield . 她引人的地方好象就在這種溫柔和順上面,給人以一種感覺,好象只要一施壓力她就可以屈服似的。

This simultaneous attraction to, and suspicion of, natural life is one of the deepest tensions of melrilles art . 對自然生活同時又喜愛又懷疑這二者交加并存是梅爾維爾藝術最動人心弦之處。

Ma'am, you'd hardly believe that i was once the owner of a great pavilion tent that was the attraction of the fair . 太太,您簡直不會相信我當年有過一個大帳篷,在這市集上是數一數二的。

The personal attractions of mademoiselle susan curchod were embellished by the virtues and talents of the mind . 蘇珊丘切特小姐的個性魅力,由于她心靈的美德和聰慧而更加光彩煥發。

The components of most double stars are close enough for there to be strong gravitational attraction between them . 大多數雙星的子星都很靠近,所以它們之間存在很強的萬有引力。

The attraction of atomic emission techniques is that they provide a means for simultaneous multi-element analysis . 原子發射技術的長處在于它是一種能同時進行多元素分析的方法。

There could be no doubt that the introduction of the electric light would be a great addition to the attractions of mugsborough . 毫無疑問,有了電燈將使麥格斯市生色不少。

The electron wavelength is computed from the orbital speed required to balance the electric attraction of the nucleus . 電子波長是由平衡核力所必須的軌道速率計算出來的。

The gravitational attractions of the pieces of dust for one another might make them form little lumps . 塵埃片與片之間由引力而產生的吸引,可能會使它們形成一些小的團塊。

They were also used, for example, to determine the gravitational attraction exerted by a lamina on particles . 例如:他們也用來確定一個薄片作用在一個質點上的萬有引力。

In molecular terms, an ideal gas is a gas whose molecules exert no forces of attraction at all . 理想氣體,用分子的術語來講,是指該氣體中的分子之間完全沒有引力存在。

It would add materially to the comfort of visitors and would be a notable addition to the attractions of the town . 這樣既可使游客感到方便舒服,也能使市容大為增色。

Electrostatic attraction will play a major role in the absorption of viruses to positively charged surfaces . 靜電吸引在病毒吸附到帶正電荷的表面中起主要的作用。