
attract vt.1.吸引 (opp. repel )。2.引誘,誘...


Then one day he made a stirring speech that attracted much attention . 然而,有一天,他發表的一篇激動人心的演講,引起了人們很大的注意。

The heterogeneous catalyst first attracts the salt to its surface and holds it there . 多相催化劑先將鹽吸附在它的表面并使它固定在那里。

My story had attracted publicity , so there were radio and television interviews . 我的遭遇引起了輿論界的注意,廣播、電視記者接踵而來。

Railroads also attracted a good deal of private investment, both domestic and european . 修筑鐵路時還吸收了國內和歐洲的大量私人投資。

In winesburge the hands had attracted attention merely because of their activity . 在溫斯堡,這雙手之引起注意,只是由于它們的動作。

A young machine hand , attracted by her looks , make bold to jest with her . 一個年青的機械師被她的美貌所吸引,壯著膽子跟她開玩笑。

You will thus checks the law of magnets: like poles repel; unlike poles attract . 這樣你就可以驗證磁體的定律:同極相斥,異極相吸。

If so, there is a case for policy devices to attract workers to the sector . 如果這樣,就有理由用政策手段把工人吸引到該部門中來。

We can never make sure that the right man will be attracted by scientific research . 我們不能保證正直的人一定對科學研究感興趣。

She was a woman, and as such attracted massive interest abroad . 她是一個女人,正因如此,她引起了外國的極大注意和興趣。

What do you find to attract you in this poor drab little country ? 這個單調破敗的小天地還有什么吸引你們的地方嗎?

He's been through here once before and was attracted by the community . 他從前曾打這里路過,對這個居民區有好感。

The little ball that was repelled by the comb is attracted by the glass rod . 被梳子排斥的小球為玻璃棍所吸引。

His eyes were now attracted by the most conspicuous feature of lahaina . 拉哈伊納最奇麗的景色懾住了他的心神。

People just interested in science are greatly attracted to them . 一般注重科學的人,都對它們產生了極大興趣。

A more efficient technique is to sterilize the attracted insects . 一種比較有效的方法是使被吸引的昆蟲絕育。

It seems to be the mere rarity that attracts the average collector . 而收藏家的興趣似乎僅在于它是否罕見。

As method of attracting new business its value is questionable . 但是作為招攬新客戶的方法其價值尚有疑問。

Moreover he had the gift of attracting and using able young men . 此外,他還有吸引和使用有為青年的才能。