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attorney general 首席檢查官。


The office of the attorney general of switzerland has existed since the founding of modern switzerland in 1848 從瑞士聯邦于1848年成立以來,律政司司長辦公廳一直存在。

Prepared remarks for attorney general alberto r . gonzales at the u . s . chamber of commerce in beijing , 11182005 中美兩國必須加強聯合打擊盜版活動, 2005年11月18日

Jones was an assistant attorney general for the state of alaska for 23 years before retiring in 1998 瓊斯曾擔任阿拉斯加州助理司法部長長達23年,于1998年退休。

The attorney general moved the second reading and addressed the council on each of the above two bills 律政司動議二讀,并就上述兩項條例草案逐一向本局發言。

The us attorney general faced another round of tough testimony on capitol hill today 美國首席律師長今天面臨著在希爾國會上的新一回合的證詞宣言。

The fbi was started under teddy roosevelt by attorney general charles bonaparte 聯幫調查局是在特迪?羅斯福領導下由司法部長查理?波拿巴創建的。

The attorney general moved amendments to clauses 5 , 13 and 14 and addressed the committee 律政司就第5 13及14條動議修正案,并向本委員會發言。

The us attorney general faced another round of tough testimony on capitol hill today 今天美國總律師長在國會大廈面臨著新一輪嚴明的辯證會。

State attorney general thomas reilly said he would not appeal connolly ' s ruling 州首席檢察官托馬斯?萊利說,他不會指控康諾里的裁決。

In great britain , the attorney general prosecutes for the grown in certain cases 在英國,檢察總長在某些案件中代表王室進行公訴。

According to the washington post , while still in office as attorney general 根據華盛頓郵報的報導,約翰.米切爾擔任司法部長期間

The dismissals have some lawmakers calling for the attorney general ' s resignation 開除的人讓一些立法者要求主要的律師辭職。

Three members , the secretary for housing and the attorney general spoke on the motion 3位議員房屋司及律政司就議案發言。

Assistant attorney general 首席檢察官助理

Hoover had called former attorney general ramsey clark a jelly - fish 胡佛曾把前任司法部長拉姆齊?克拉克叫做軟骨頭。

The attorney general moved the following motion and addressed the council 律政司動議下列議案,并向本局發言:

Swiss attorney general office 瑞士律政司司長辦公廳

Ocsc , the attorney general and the royal thai police to consult nccc Ocsc 、首席檢察官和泰國警方與nccc商議

Signed by the attorney general 由司法部長親自簽署的